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Y/n's POV

My vision was blurry. It was as if the world was spinning around and around. It felt almost as if every bone in my body was broken, and I could just barely lift myself off the ground.

I cough roughly, dust in my lungs, gasping for fresh air. What's going on? I can hear fire crackling around me, the ground crumbling like it's going to collapse right under my body.

I manage to stand up and try to keep my balance. I slowly regain my memory as I recall the flesh-eating monsters.. the zombies. A scary monster from one's childhood, that everyone thought was just another silly myth.

I remember him. How he held me in our last few moments, and how he told me those precious three words, "I love you".

I remember his scent. Green apples. And his deep, charming voice, along with those those cute brown eyes and that recognizable smile.

I remember Jungkook.

I smile a bit, but that smile quickly left my face as I came to a realization.

Where the hell is he?

I look around, but my surrounds are filled with nothing but smoke. I cough, covering my nose and mouth with my shirt trying to use it as a filter.

I walk and walk, my legs aching with every step. I can feel Yeontan against my leg, seemingly untouched. I notice my clothes were torn and discolored. I called his name out loud, my mouth getting dry.

"Jungkook! Where the fuck are you? Please, just tell me you're alright!"

No response.

I hear the noise of something crumbling. I turn my head to see cement blocks being pushed.

I take a few steps backwards, ready to defend myself no matter what, and of course Yeontan by my side.

My arms slowly fall as I realize who it is.


I run, I run as fast I can, ignoring the obvious pain in my broken leg.

"Y/n.." I hear him say. I hold him with tears forming. I pull him out of the pile and hug him tightly.

I gasped feeling his broken ribs. "Jungkook..!" I said with a shaky voice. I tried so hard, not to cry.

"Y/n!" He cried. We held each other for what seemed like eternity.

"W-what happened? How did we survive? Where are even supposed to go?" I question, scared.

He stands up and holds my hand, pulling me up as well. He didn't let go.

He began to walk as I followed. I noticed his limp.

"Your leg, it's broken.." I say.

He just nods and continues to walk.

It was difficult because of the smoke and few trees still on fire, but we made it out of the city. But where do we go from here?

We found an abandoned car and gained hope for escape, but there were no keys and the car was broken down.

The lids of my eyes grew heavy and before I knew it, I passed out.

Jungkook POV

I want to just give up, but I have to stay strong, just until Y/n is back to safety.

I felt Y/n's grip on my hand loosen. I caught her just as she fainted right in my arms. I pick her up and carry her. Such a simple action I did numerous times to her before has become so difficult.

My body is so weak..

But I continue to walk. We finally reach the cottage, where I first took Y/n. I can see the view of the city from here. I can see the burnt down school. I remember teasing Y/n there, before all of this.

I lay her down onto the couch and sit down, her head on my lap.

I stroke her hair trying not to cry.

I could've saved her.

But my dumb self let the car go.

We could be in safety right now. We could be reunited with our families. Instead we are here, still stranded with no where to go.

Yeontan crawls on top of Y/n with a sad look. I felt like absolute shit.

I put a pillow underneath Y/n's head and walk around, stressed. My eyes are drawn to a metal object peeping out from the drawer.

A gun.

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