Chapter 25

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"Anna?" Glenn asks, echoing back my tone of voice.

"Why are you with them?" I whisper.

"Long story." Glenn says.

Judith continues to cry and I keep trying to make her stop.

"Are you alone?" Glenn asks as two girls come up behind him.

A guy with a mullet cowers behind them. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Like the girls hide behind the guy?

"Yes." I say. I pull the backpack off my back and awkwardly make a bottle for Judith.

"I'm Rosita, this is Eugene," she says pointing to the guy with the mullet, "this is Tara," she says pointing to the girl with a black ponytail besides her, "and the guy that you just kicked in the nuts is Abraham."

"Oh. Sorry about that. I'm Anna." I say. I push the nipple of the bottle into Judith's mouth, making her finally stop crying.

"It was self defense." Abraham says walking up behind me. I nod my head at him as he hands me my knife.

"Is she yours?" The girl named Tara asks.

"No, she's the leader of our groups daughter." Glenn answers for me.

"How long have you been alone for?" He asks.

"Since the warehouse." I say.

"I don't mean to break up the happy reunion, but that baby just attracted every walker in a four mile radius to us. Let's get a move on." Abraham says.

He has a point, but who is he and why is Glenn taking orders from him. I give Glenn a, 'what's with him' look.

"Just go with it." He mouths to me.

I follow behind everyone back to the train tracks.

"Have you seen the signs?" I ask Glenn when he starts to walk at the same pace.

"Yeah. What happened to your ankle?"

"I twisted it on the tracks yesterday." I say.

"Let me take Judith." Glenn says reaching over for her.

"No it's ok. I've got her." I say not letting him take her.

"Anna, you've been carrying her for over a week now." Glenn says. I know by his tone of voice that he's not asking me.

I sigh and hand her to him, my arms feeling strangely awkward and free without her weight. I keep the back pack.

After about twenty minutes of walking, Glenn and I are way behind everyone else.

"Can we take a break?" I ask. I wouldn't normally want to take a break this fast, but my ankle is killing me.

"No time for breaks. We are on a time sensitive mission." Abraham calls to me.

I give Glenn a 'please explain who he is' look.

"Abraham, she needs to rest her ankle. If we keep going like this she could hurt her ankle worse and we'll never be able to get to D.C." Glenn says.

"Ok, slow down! I am not going to Washington." I protest.

Abraham comes storming over to us and gets in my face.

"Young lady, we're trying to save the world here, and you could be an important part to this mission." He snaps at me.

I hold onto the straps of my backpack and take a step back.

"Give it a rest Abraham." Tara says walking back to us and putting an arm over my shoulder. I'm a lot shorter than her. Actually I'm shorter than all of them.

The Youngest Greene (Carl Grimes fan fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora