Chapter 9

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One day at lunch, everyone was outside enjoying the nice weather. This was the first sunny since Brianna had moved here. She noticed Bella was looking around, probably searching for Edward. Brianna wondered where the Cullens were as well. She thought it was odd that they all were not in school. "They're not here." Jessica said.

"What?" Bella asked.

"The Cullens don't come to school whenever the weather gets nice."

"They just ditch?" Bella asked.

"No. Their parents pull them out of school for hiking and camping." Jessica said.

"Guys, I'm going to prom with Eric." Angela said as she came up to them.

"That's great Ang." Bella said.

"Are you sure you aren't able to come to prom?" Angela asked.

"Sorry." Bella said.

"We need to go to Port Angeles before all the good dresses are taken." Jessica said.

"Port Angeles?" Bella asked. "Do you mind if Brianna and I go with you?"

"Yeah. I need your opinions on my dress." Angela said.

"Uhh. Sure." Jessica said. "Brianna can go with us."

"Great." Bella said. Angela and Jessica walked away.

Brianna typed something on her tablet and showed it to Bella. "Why do I have to go dress shopping with you guys? I already went with you to the beach with them when I didn't want to. Jessica hates me."

"There's this book that I want to get." Bella said. "It may have something in it about what Jacob said."

"Jessica's going to make rude comments at me." Brianna typed.

"She won't do that with me and Angela there." Bella said. "Please go."

"Fine." Brianna typed.

Later that evening, Brianna was in a dress shop while Angela and Jessica tried on dresses. She wasn't really paying attention until she heard her name. "Brianna." Angela said. She looked up at Angela

"What do you think of our dresses?" Angela asked.

Brianna looked at the dresses they were wearing. Angela was wearing a blue dress and Jessica was wearing a pink dress. Brianna typed something and showed it to Angela. "They look nice."

"I would get it if you had an actual reason for not wanting to talk." Jessica said. "But you don't have a reason." Brianna gave Bella a "I told you so" look.

"Jess." Angela said.

"She does have a reason." Bella said. "And that's none of your business."

"Sorry." Jessica said. "I was just saying."

"Bella, what do you think our dresses?" Angela asked.

"They look great." Bella said.

"That's what you said about the other dresses." Jessica asked.

"They're all great." Bella said.

"You guys really aren't into this." Angela said.

"We really just want to go to this bookstore." Bella said.

"Oh." Angela said. Just then, a couple guys tapped on the window. They whistled at them before walking off.

"That's uncomfortable." Jessica said.

"We'll meet you guys at the restaurant." Bella said as she and Brianna stood up.

"Are you sure?" Angela asked.

The Mute Girl( A Twilight fanfic & a Carlisle love story)Where stories live. Discover now