Chapter 5

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Stiles- I wake up from hearing a whimper. I feel arms around me, I turn my head seeing Derek but he is waking up also "what's wrong with him, is it nightmares?"

Derek- I nod "it is, he has always had them even before the fire"

Stiles- I move over away from Derek turn Peter around and pulling him into my arms when I sit up sitting him on my lap, with strength which shocks me but I try and focus on what happening right now. I hug him stroking my hair "shhh it's okay darling, it's okay pup it's just a dream, nothing what you are dreaming is real and not going to happen at all or again if it has, come on sweetheart calm down for me" I say feeling a buzzing vibration, I then notice what the buzzing is Peter is making a purring noise. I sit there for a while before laying back down still with Peter in my arms purring, I look to Derek with a smile seeing him smiling also "come on here sourwolf"

Derek- I smile moving over joining the hug laying on Stiles shoulder and my arm around his and Peter's waist falling back to sleep myself.


Stiles- I wake up again with both wolves in my arms, I smile moving making sure they don't wake up. I go down to the kitchen making breakfast, I make toast, pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausages while doing so I also put out cereal, put on the coffee, put out orange juice, Apple juice and milk. I hear walking and feel two sets of arms around my waist and a purring noises. I smile when seeing it was Peter and Derek "you know I am cooking right, we don't want the food burning do we"

Peter- I pout moving away "no" I say walking over getting the plates out as Derek moves and gets the knives, spoons and forks out. I sit down next to Derek who is sitting at the head of the table and I am sitting to his left.

Stiles- I put all the food in the middle with the drinks and cereal boxes. I sit down to Derek right as I hear a noise, I look up seeing a skipping Isaac, a sleepy just woken up scott and surprisingly quite but wide away Boyd he must of been the one who woken them up unless it was the hyper skipping pup who no sits down next to me, Scott surprisingly next to Peter and Boyd next to Isaac. I smile "hello pup, what's got you so happy" ruffiling Isaac's hair.

Scott- "I don't know but he woke me and Boyd up by jumping up and down on the bed like a child, it was so annoying and horrible you know I don't like waking up or being woken up like that or anything until I have a coffee"

Stiles- I put my hands on Isaac's cheeks "don't listen to the mean, bad wolf. He doesn't mean it, he just needs his coffee, trust me I have had to put up with his morning mood for yours, he will be all sorry and puppy eyes when he has had his coffee"

Isaac- I nod in understanding "can I please have some pancakes"

Stiles- I stand up leaning over putting some one his plates "anything on top?"

Isaac- "Nutella and whip cream please"

Peter- "ooh can I have pancake too Stiles, with bacon please"

Stiles- I smile also putting the pancake on his plate and bacon on top "is that alright darling?"

Peter- "yes mama"

Stiles- I freeze in place

Peter- I whimper "mama did I do something wrong?"

Isaac- "are you okay mama?"

Derek- "yeah stiles you okay?"

Stiles- I swallow "ermm I am going to go upstairs" I turn walking out the room passing the others

Malia- I look back before looking at the others "what's wrong with him?"



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