6 : The New Friendship

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It still the summer break and Y/N feeling bored. She doesn't have that much of a hobby but one thing for sure, she's not interested in studying.

She start to glance at her phone. No new message.

Usually every summer break, she will have a sleepover with Eunjin, Geongmin, and Dawon. But this year, they have their own plan. Dawon goes on a vacation with her boyfriend, Geongmin have plan to camp with her friends, and Eunjin have supplementary class because she failed the last one.

Y/N just spend her time scrolling through her phone when the door of her room opened, revealing her mom.

"Kim Y/N, come on! Get up! We're going out!"

Y/N start to jump at her mother sudden outburst "Where to?"

"Big Hit"

"Ok-WHAT?" Y/N widen her eyes.

"We're visiting your brother and his group member"


"What do you mean why? Don't you want to see him?"

"Y-yes of course, but.."

"Come on, take a shower and be down at 5"

Y/N start to drag her feet to the bathroom, taking a bath and start to put on casual clothes. A black jeans, gray hoodie, and black converse. She then start heading down, approaching her mother as they start to went to her car and drive to Big Hit.

Along the way, Y/N can't help but wonder why her mom ask her to go with her to Big Hit? What she's gonna do anyway? No, not that, are they even allowed there? Are they going without notice?

Y/N didn't even realize that they already arrived at the building. She furrowed her brows at the sight of her mom talking to the security. Do they know each other? How can they look so close?

The security start head towards the car and open the back, revealing boxes of food. Y/N didn't even realize that her mother brought it, maybe she's too occupied with her thoughts. The three of them then start to head inside.

Y/N frown as the staff greet her mother warmingly. It looks like it's not her first time visiting. Y/N furrowed her brows at her mother.

"Come on Y/N"

"Mother, it's..it's not your first time visiting is it?"

"Of course not silly. I always visited almost every week, bringing food for the staff even if the boys not there"

"Wha-how can I not know?"

"That's because I always visit when you're in school and now you're in your summer break, I decided to invite you"

Y/N just shrug, no wonders her mom always cook a lot of food. Y/N felt a tap on her shoulders. She turn her head and she saw a figure standing in front of her.

"Jimin oppa!" Y/N said, earning a chuckle from the boy.

"What are you doing here? Are you with your mom?" Jimin asked her.

"Yeah" Y/N answer, pointing at her mom who's talking to the staff.

"Yes! Finally! Your mom's food!" Jimin said excitedly.

"I don't even know my mom go here every week" Y/N shrug.

"Well, she visited a lot. You can't blame her though. Sometimes we miss home food and Jin hyung family is the only one who live is Seoul"

"Agree. But still.."

"Come on! Let's meet the rest!"

Jimin start to drag Y/N to the practice room. Before that, he greet Y/N mom first and noticed her that he's gonna take you to the practice room, earning a nod from her then continue to speak with the staff

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