𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖞 𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘

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|| Chapter 19: The Boy Under the Covers ||

The newborn sun peered through the slits of the navy-blue curtains warming the naked bodies that laid still on the bed. The silk sheets were made of gold and gently sewed together so that its texture matched the smoothness of the peached skin underneath. 

An expected movement caused the silk sheets to jerk away from the boy's waist making him shiver from the sudden cold. He shifted around and knitted his brows together. For his comfort, the second body wrapped his arms around the boy's nude waist and pulled him towards his bare chest. The boy snaked his hand towards the man's locks and gently pulled on it.

"Should we get up sweetheart?" The man asked with a smirk on his lips as he allowed the boy to twirl his blond locks. 

"One more minute," the boy grumbled into the man's chest. 

"Well I am king and the final word is mine." The king received a pull of hair in response to his joke. 

"Then why ask me?" The boy groaned.

"Out of modesty, mon cherie."

Hades's arm was wrapped around Isabella's waist as they walked down the empty streets of Rome. "When you told me you were taking me on a date I was expecting something like... I don't know...the movies?" Isabella commented enjoying her chocolate ice cream. She tilted her head to the side to lick the melting part of it and hummed in satisfaction. Hades's arm tight around her as he gazed down at her with darkened eyes. 

"If you want we can go to the movies," Hades said ignoring the butterflies he felt. 

Isabella shook her head in disapproval and flashed him a smile. "No, I prefer going on a walk with you like this." Hades scoffed at her comment and she elbowed his ribs making him jerk a little. "What?" She asked, squinting her eyes at him. 

"No, I just think that if I just took you for a walk you'd be mad." 

"First of all," Isabella raised her index finger at him. "Re-word your sentence; you make me sound like a dog," Hades rolled his eyes. "Excuse me! Don't you dare roll your eyes at your wife?"

Hades couldn't help but smile. "My wife, huh?" Isabella's cheek turned into a shade of pink and she looked away. Hades leaned down and kissed her hot cheeks. "What's the second thing?"

Isabella cleared her throat and pushed him away. "Second of all, we could be walking in heaven and I wouldn't care."


"I was going to say hell, but we kind of already live there." Isabella shrugged and Hades hummed. "Talking about hell, what are we going to do with Eros?" 

Hades gazed down at her and gave her a confused look. "Give him away?"Isabella elbowed Hades again,  but this time it was hard. Hades squeezed her waist in return, making her squeal. 

Hades let out of chuckle, "You should be making that sound in-"

"Focus Hades!" Isabella whisper-shouted. There wasn't anyone in the streets but she just wanted to make sure. "Look, remember when Eros hooked up with Tyler." 

"Prefer not to-"

"Stop being a drama queen. It's not like you were there," Isabella said annoyed. "Tyler is good, was a good person. I just don't want Eros to be getting hurt. Especially since I know Tyler has deeper motives." 

"So what do you me to do, love?"

"We should get rid of him," Isabella said itching her head. 

"Chose the method of death and I'll-"

Isabella looked up at Hades horrified. "That's not what I meant!" This time she forgot to keep her voice low. "I meant like sending him off to New Zeland or something." 

Hades shook his head. "He can always find his way back." 

"Not if you did like a magic power to make him forget his identity." 

"If you want to go through all that trouble to get rid of him, it would be easier to just kill him." 

Isabella groaned. "Hades! We can't just go around killing people." 

"You, maybe not, but I can." 

"Hades he's my best friend and Eros is my ride and die. I don't want any of them to get hurt."

Hades took a long look at his wife. "Let me see what I can do." Isabella got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. 

"This is your payment," she explained eating the rest of her ice cream.

"Do you really think my services are that cheap?" 

Isabella almost gaged on her ice cream. "Wow. The first time I try to act cute and shit, I get a stab right on the neck." Hades laughed. "Fine. What you want?"

"You. Me. In bed." 

Isabella made a face as she felt her stomach twist. Her mouth began to water and she bent over allowing her stomach to throw out every possible thing she ate that day. Hades was quick to grab her hair and massage her back. Once she was finished, she looked at him over her shoulder. "This is how much you disgust me," she joked. "Now let's get out of here before the government of Italy prohibits my entry in their country again."

Hi babies 💕

I just wanted to inform you guys that I know some of you have been messaging me and asking me to update. Some of you guys have been actually worried about me because I haven't been updating lmao. Honestly, I'm fine. The reason that I'm not updating so much is because I really have no more ideas for this book. I know how I want to end it but I'm stuck on how to tie the knots. So if I take long to update its because I'm literally writing chapters and deleting them because they don't go well with the book or the ending I am aiming at. 

Also, I'm not an author that asks for much. I appreciate the votes and the comments, but I'm not like one of those authors that literally stop the book and threaten their readers to delete it if they don't vote/comment. (I've seen a lot of authors in this app do this). The reason why I write is for my enjoyment and yours. As long as your happy reading my book, then I am too. So please don't hate and comment shit like "this book doesn't make sense" or "this is so annoying". If you don't like it, I suggest that you get the fuck out and go read another book. I know not everyone likes my type of writing and that's fine. But don't be a bitch.

Anyway, I hope you guys are safe and well. See you next time.

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