Drive Safe

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I didn't know how to feel. It seemed unbelievable that me, a plain high school girl, and Ares, the most handsome and sexy man I'd seen were together. I thought I would wake up every second and I would be back in my room hiding from my father.

Yet I woke up in his arms.

He was pressed against my back spooning me. One of his arms went under my neck and landed dangerously close to my chest and the other was wrapped around my stomach.

It was almost impossible to move as his hold was too tight and his leg was over mine. I tried to wiggle around but only caused him to make a strange sound that sounded like a groan.

Or a moan.

"Baby" He groaned in his sleep.

That's when I realized what was going on. There was something hard pressing on my back. My eyes widened and I immediately froze.

"Ares" I called out. "Ares" I said louder. He only hummed and pressed himself onto me more. "Ares!" I yelled. He woke up immediately and got something from under the bed.

I looked at his hand and realized it was a gun.

I freaked out.

"What happened?" He asked still sleepy.

"Why do you have a gun under your bed?" I asked backing away from him.

He looked around and then at me.

"I was just trying to get out of bed and wanted to wake you up. Why do you have a gun?" I aske once again.

"It's just for security" He said. "I have something of great value that I can't risk losing" he whispered smiling.

I raised an eyebrow.

"And what's that?" I asked.

He put the gun back in its place and came closer.

"You" He said and kissed my cheek.

Smooth talker.

We freshened up and went downstairs to make breakfast. Today i would spend the whoke day with him since it was Sunday and I couldn't wait.

"Baby, I need to tell you something" He said suddenly turning towards me.

"What is it?" I asked feeling anxious.

"I have to go to work today too. There's some serious stuff going on and I have to go"

My heart dropped, but I still smiled. I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"Ares where do you work?" I asked what I'd been dying to ask.

"I've told you I have a few companies"

"Can I come with you then?" I asked batting my lashes.

"Baby I would love for you to come"


"But where I work there are some, how do I put it? Some men that aren't really good men. I don't want them seeing you"

"You work with dangerous people?" I gasped.

"No no" He said and buried his fingers in his soft black hair, "Look don't worry okay? I'm sorry i judt want you to be safe. Especially with that woman claiming to be your mom and that girl and-"

"Relax" I told him and touched his arm. "I will manage without you"

"You can tell the girls to come here if you want"

"I'll see, don't worry I'll be fine. Go get ready"  I told him.

After a few minutes he was back down buckling his leather belt. The upper buttons of his dress shirt were unbuttoned so I stood in front of him and helped him. He was dressed in black and it really looked good on him. It brought out his alluring silver eyes which had me hypnotized.

He kissed my forehead and then paused before hesitantly kissing my lips.

It was a feeling I was still not used to. It made my knees weak and my heart flutter. He was obviously an experienced kisser, but he was gentle with me.

"Sometimes I forget I can do this" He chuckled and kissed me once again. "Call me if you need anything okay? Anything" he said and I nodded. "I love you" He whispered giving me one last kiss and left.


I was on the floor of my room looking at my "family pictures". I had to find out if these people were really my relatives.

The woman who says she's my mother is just like my mom and the girl that says is my sister has a resemblance to the little girl in the picture.

The question is, where are my other siblings and why are they back now? It was something I still couldn't figure out. I was planning on asking them to lead me to my other siblings but it was far too dangerous. I wasn't that dumb.

The question that lingered on my mind ever since they left was how? how could they leave me there? How could a mother abandon her child?

I would never forget it. I may forgive them someday, not for them, but for me so I can let it go.

I was snapped out of my trance when my phone rang. I picked it up with a smile sesing it was Ares but my smile immediately vanished when I heard the panic in his voice.

"Baby I need you to leave the house. Now" He said breathing hard.

"What?! H-how? Where do I go?" I asked panicking.

"Take the car and leave the area. I'll give you directions where to go"

I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me and grabbed the keys. I ran outside and got in the car.

Thank God I knew how to drive.

"Are you in?" He whispered.

"Yes, where do I go?"

Just then I heard a gunshot and started driving away not knowing where I'm going.

"Baby, stay calm. I need you to be calm" He said hearing my panting.

"Where do I go?! What's happening?!"

"I'll explain everything later now listen to me" he said calmly.

He gave me directions and told me where to go and I felt myself calm down a bit.

But then I heard a gunshot on the other line.

"I need to go baby. Drive safely, I love you" He said not giving me a chance to speak and hung up.

I arrived at the location and waited in the car. Feeling paranoid I decided to lock all the doors and close the windows. I sighed and sat back in my seat waiting, hoping he'll appear.

Please God let him be safe.

Just when I had calmed down somebody knocked on my window causing me to scream and flinch, but I looked over and saw it was just Nate with Leo next to him.

I opened the door and got out to talk to them.

"What happened? Where is he?" I asked.

"Look he's-he's fine" Nate said scratching the back of his neck. "You don't need to worry about him"

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Ares sent us to pick you up and take you somewhere safe. He can't do it himself at this moment" Leo said.

"And where are you taking me?" I asked. They both paused and looked at each other.

"Boss's orders" Leo mouthed at Nate.

"We're taking you to our base. Ares will answer all your questions once he's back" Nate told me.

I nodded and we got in the car. Leo took the driver's seat and Nate sat on the passenger seat while I was in the back.

"And please don't worry about him" Nate added.

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