Chapter 22- Girlfriend

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I can't believe a month has passed already, it still feels as if it was only yesterday that James and I were confessing our love for each other. So much has happened over the past few weeks, kate looked pregnant as hell now, she was five months now and was so beautiful. The fitting went well, the wedding was well on its way, only two months to go and kate would be walking down the allie. She was so excited and seeing that two months after they will be welcoming their new addition to the family. Kate was planning to have the gender reveal at the reception. Kate was crazy but I had to admit that it was a pretty good idea.

As the days went by it became harder to keep the secret, I tried on two occasions to tell him and trust me they never went good. Marcus only thought of James and I had friends or at least kind of friends, Marcus noticed the drift in our friendship. He didn't once question it, he just let it be.

James has been wanting to tell Marcus himself but knowing my brother that conversation will lead to a fight. And growing up, I've witnessed my fair share of fights between the boys, they can get pretty brutal. Now that are full-grown men, a fight between them was something I wanted to avoid.

James and I have moved in together, we bought a house in the suburbs, it was a beautiful five-bedroom house. Mom and kate were the only ones who knew about it. Mom was elated, asking questions like; when are we get married? When is she going to get her first grandchild? Have we decided when we're going to break the news to Marcus?

Otherwise from the Marcus problem, everything was great, I was happy. I love the routine James and I fell into, something he would cook breakfast, sometimes I would. After we would act professionally, he would stay at a distance and make sure I was okay. Most of the time I worked from home so we could spend the day together. We would have dinner date away from the city as we were going to have tonight.

I was current at the office doing sketches for new contracts that I got because of the Milan fashion show. The business has been going well, the line has sold better than any line I've done, I'm so proud like a mother that's the child has walked for the first time.

James was outside my office, usually, he would be inside but I needed to concentrate and I knew if James was in here I wouldn't be able to focus.

**A soft knock **

"Come in," I said, I looked up and saw that it was James

"Don't you want to go home and get ready "

"Home," I said confused " its one pm "

"No darling, it's 5:15 and we planned to reach the restaurant by 7 " I gasp looking at my phone it was indeed 5:15, I was so buried in my work that I didn't notice the time.

"Yeah, let's go" our home was a thirty minutes ride from the city and the restaurant was twenty minutes ride from our home.

When we arrive, we immediately got ready. By 6:45 we were both ready, I wore a blue bodycon with red pumps and a red purse.


We arrived at the restaurant, James ran out of the car to open the door for me, I blushed at the romantic gesture.

"Thank you " I whispered and in return, he smirked

We went inside and had a wonderful dinner, James was so romantic. I had such a fun time.

James and I are currently sipping wine and having a nice chat when a lady walked up to over table.

"James" James looked up at her and instantly paled, I turn to see who it is, I didn't know her but she looked pissed.

"Two months, it's been two months since you've called of text. You ignore me and went completely ghost and then all of a sudden I see you're here on a date with another woman when you have a girlfriend "


I hope everyone has been keeping safe,its serious time and I hope you guys are keeping safe.

Who Is this woman?
Is she really James so-called girlfriend?

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