Alexa, How Do I Dispose Of A Body?

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As soon as I did a once over of the area, I spotted the tape on a table and instinctively walked over to it. They were all spread out, seemingly free for all. And so I picked up the first one I found and started to wrap my hands.

'I hate this brand.' I silently mused to myself with a grimace as the stickiness began to aggravate me.

It's not that it's a bad brand. It's just uncomfortable for me.

"I hate this brand." I muttered under my breath as I wrapped my right hand. I felt someone behind me and recognized the footsteps to be Ben's since his strides are longer than Grays's.

"Two questions. What are you doing and what do you hate?" Benny Boo asked and I stiffened.

'Sodding hell. How did he get over here so fast?'

"My...shampoo." I lied smoothly. "It makes my head itch." I continued as I wrapped my left hand. I turned and looked at him over my shoulder.

'You're losing your touch, Grace. Keep your head on straight.' I scolded my brain, then thought up a quick lie.

"Isn't this what you're supposed to do?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow. "I've seen this done in movies and assumed that this is what you're supposed to do."

Ben nodded hesitantly and Gray rolled his eyes.

'Hopefully, they believed the fib.'

And then out of the corner of my eye, I saw John raise an eyebrow.

'John seems like a smart one so I need to be careful with what I say around him.'

After making sure the tape was tight, I then stepped away from the table and put my hands on my hips. "What now, geniuses?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow and John smirked.

Like actually smirked. Not a smile or a grin. A SMIRK.

'Code hell. Code hell. Warning. This isn't good.'

"We train." He declared, a mischievous gleam in his normally soft, kind brown eyes. 

I then noticed how comfortable he was. How comfortable all three of them were.

At school, John and Ben are stiff and awkward. Grayson acts nonchalant and doesn't seem to care, but I can see the dullness in his eyes. In their eyes.

But when we arrived, I saw a spark of life - of content when we walked in the building. They all looked happy.

And for some reason, that made me happy.

I smiled at the boys and John mirrored the action. He then began to walk over to an empty corner of the room and I followed suit. I swiftly took off my hoodie as I walked and tied my hair up in a loose ponytail. Luckily, I wore a tank and black leggings that day since I had a feeling that these twats wouldn't forget our deal.

I heard a wolf whistle or two when my shirt raised slightly and my stomach showed. I snapped my head in the direction of the sound and gave the finger to three twenty-year-old, horny meatheads. They smirked until they noticed John behind me.

Then, they coughed and looked anywhere, but me.

'That's what I thought, you disgusting pieces of-'

"Now." John cleared his throat and gave me a grin, interrupting my thoughts. "We start with ten laps around, push-ups, sit-ups, and planks." He declared as he rubbed his hands together. Gray smirked in smug satisfaction and Ben chuckled as if expecting me to complain.

'Ha. Piece of cake.'

I simply shrugged and did the ten laps easily. Within seven minutes I was done with the thirty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, and a five minute plank, without a rest and not in the least bit out of breath.

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