four - giant dogs

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chapter iv.

❝ So you're telling me that you guys turn into giant dogs and there are sparkling vampire

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❝ So you're telling me that you guys turn into giant dogs and there are sparkling vampire. Do you really expect me to be okay with that? ❞

la push, washington
june 5, 2007

THE FOLLOWING morning Josiah was woken up by drool falling all over his face. Opening his left eye, the young soldier found Ollie sitting next to him and looking down at him with, what he would assume, a puppy smile. Letting out a groan he lightly pushed the pup away before burying his face further into his pillow. Next to him Ollie let out a whine and buried his nuzzle underneath Josiah's pillow.

Josiah lifted his face from under his pillow to look at Ollie again, "What is it Ollie?" Hearing his owner's croaky voice ― having just woken up ― the pup cried louder and pushed his nuzzle further into Josiah's pillow.

"Do you want to go out?" Josiah asked the pup, "Do you want to go outside?" At hearing the word 'outside' the pup's face lifted up from the pillow and tilted his head to the left: tail wagging.

"Alright, let's go," Josiah let out a yawn and stretched out his arm over his head. Standing up he grabbed Ollie and placed him down on the floor.

Opening the door to his room Josiah walked towards the front door, Ollie hot on his heels with his tail wagging wildly and tongue sticking out. Once the door was opened the pup rushed out and began smelling everywhere until he found the perfect spot to do his necessities. Meanwhile, Josiah stood by the door watching the small pup run around the front lawn.

"Alright come on Ollie," Josiah called out to his pup ― after giving him 10 minutes outside ― and walked back inside the house.

Heading towards the kitchen Josiah opened the fridge and took out the leftovers from last night's dinner that Mary and him had. He then placed it on a plate and put it inside the microwave for it to heat up. While it was heating up Josiah retrieved Ollie's food plate and grabbed some dog food from the cabin underneath the sink.

"Here you go Ollie," Josiah patted Ollie's head before placing his food plate down in front of him.

After hearing the annoying beeps of the microwave that told him that his food was ready, Josiah took out his food and began eating once he sat down at the dining table. The soldier ate his food in silence. His thoughts invaded his mind as he thought back to Paul and how he was planning on talking to him without sounding self-centered for wanting some of his brother's attention.

Losing his appetite Josiah began to push his food around before letting out a quiet sigh and standing up. He washed his dirty plate and headed off to the bathroom to take a shower.

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