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-: sixth year :-


. . .

"Welcome to our humble abode." James announced, as he stepped through the picture frame and into the portrait hole, Remus having recited the password dutifully. James's so called 'humble abode' was the Gryffindor common room, and after following him in, Nancy's eyes danced around the room, taking it all in.

The Gryffindor common room was incredibly cosy, and as one entered they would be welcomed by the roaring fire, stuffed armchairs, and dark windows - which no doubtedly framed an incredible view in the daytime. It appeared that dormitories would be reached by climbing the winding mahogany staircase, decorated with crimson and gold. 

The room, which had multiple stone walls but also some plastered in scarlet patterned wallpaper, was completely covered in comfortable-looking armchairs, which were scattered with cushions and blankets. 

Situated in front of the fire was the largest sofa, which seemed like it could fit the entire group with no problem. On the side of the fireplace that was by the corner, a small nook had been made up, cushions and drapes pulled to the side.

Several tables decorated the edge of the room, mismatched chairs joining them. A untouched chess set was made up on one of them, and by one of the windowseats, a set of shelves had been pushed in the wall, each row of wood packed with books - so much so that they were sagging in the centre.

In the arch of stone on the chimney breast was covered in a large portrait of a lion, which seemed to prowl around it's frame, ducking behind the tall grass and every so often pouncing, clouds of white birds appearing from behind the grass. Beneath it, the mantel had a couple more books and a statue that Nancy watched changed pose as a younger student poked it with their wand.

That wasn't the only moving portrait in the room, the walls were completely covered in gold frames, filled with people who were once students that had relaxed in that exact room. 

Draped over sofas were scarfs of red and gold, James picking one up and placing it around Nancy's shoulders, eyes fixating on two fifth years struggling to take a banner down over the arch that led to the stairs. "I knew you would suit Gryffindor colours. Padfoot, Rem, tell her everything she needs to know. I'm going to help Dan Cresswell and Davey Gudgeon to get that banner down - left over from our final party of last year, if I'm remember correctly."

James darted off, Remus mumbling something about how it was a surprise he remembered anything from that night. "Pete, Sirius - I just need to check that the fifth year prefects got everything sorted with the first years." Remus suddenly said, spotting someone across the room. "I'll be right. Sirius - be nice, Peter, keep an eye on him." Remus left the group as well, and Sirius turned to Nancy.

Promptly realising she had barely any focus on what was actually going on, eyes wide and almost sparkling as they darted around the room, taking in the sight. "So, where did you stay with when you were with your grandfather - in some shed somewhere?" Sirius asked, not even blinking as the indirect comment left his lips.

"We had tents actually. And even if we didn't have them, we have our cases. Where are they, by the way?" Nancy's face of utter wonder had turned a bit sour, worry clouding her eyes.

"They'll be up in the rooms by now - we're all assigned dorms." Peter spoke up, glancing at Sirius and then Nancy. "Talking of dorms, Sirius, you should introduce her to the girls." 

He looked almost hopeful as he suggested it, perhaps thinking that the introduction would pull Sirius's attention away from making snide comments at every chance he got. 

"Yeah.. sure." Sirius glanced at Nancy, reaching forward and tugging the end of the scarf off his neck, barely even looking at the tag. "It's Marlene's." He said, pulling the scarf completely off from around her neck. 

"Oh-" Nancy's hand reached to the back of her neck where the wool had rubbed against. "Yeah.. sure.. sorry." She frowned, hesitating before turning towards Peter. "Maybe you could introduce me instead?" 

"I'll do it." Sirius butted in. "Don't worry Pete with that." He said, turning away and heading towards the main sofa, where several girls were sitting. "Alright, how was everyone's summer?" He announced his presence, the four girls looking up.

"Sirius, hey." The girl in the middle with dark hair answered first. "It's was fine - so who's this?" She turned to Nancy, a smile on her face. "Our age, I presume?"

"Dorcas, this is Nancy Scamander. Nancy, this is Dorcas Meadowes, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and Alice Fortescue." Sirius pointed out one by one. "You'll be staying in the same dorm as them, your bags are already up there, courtesy of the house elves and McKinnon - this is yours." 

Sirius threw the scarf at the blonde girl, who caught it. "Sirius-" Marlene began, but Sirius was already turning away and heading back to the common room entrance hole.

Peter floundered for a moment, before sitting down on one of the chairs on the side of the sofa. "Nancy - you'll be fine, Sirius is just letting his ego get the better of him." Nancy nodded at his words, glancing around before sitting down on another chair.

"Evans." Nancy watched as James appeared, swinging an arm around the ginger girl's neck - Lily.

"Potter, get off me." Lily groaned, pushing the arm off of her neck. "Sirius is being horrible to Nancy for whatever reason - Peter says it's his ego, but she hasn't even been here a day. Do me a favour and tell him to stop it."

"Oh - it's fine. I understand why he's doing it.. it was rather mean of me." Nancy shrugged. "Um.. which one is our dorm?" She asked, glancing at the girls. "I'm feeling tired."

"Oh, of course." Marlene stood up. "Here, take this back." She wrapped the scarf back around Nancy's neck. "Come on, I'll show you up." 

Nancy followed Marlene upstairs, feeling slightly awkward as she did so. The girls seemed nice though, so it seemed that even if Sirius continued to dislike her for whatever reason, she had other people.

Marlene showed Nancy to the dorm, and just like promised, her suitcase was on a bed. "I'll just be downstairs, but we'll all be coming up in a little while." Marlene promised. "That one is yours, you have the trunk and the chest over there. The bathroom is over there.. and that's about it!"

"Thank you, Marlene." Nancy smiled, watching as she left and collapsing on the bed. Even if Sirius seemed to dislike her and even if she was a bit awkward, she still had her case.

Which had caused all the trouble in the first place.

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