chapter 1:

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hi im ellie! and this is the story about how i met my mommy!

ellies pov:

i woke up to a wet bed and panties, great i thought, third time this week. i had been wetting the bed as long as i can remember, but recently it has gotten very out of hand.

i went to the bathroom and took a shower, and rinsing my privates.

when i got out of the shower, i put on a white t-shirt, pink overalls and pink hightop converse, and i pulled my hair into two pigtails.

i ran downstairs grabbed a pop tart, and i left to go walk to school.

i live about 10 minutes away from my school, about 4 minutes into the walk i notice a car following me. the windows were tinted so i couldnt see who it was.

i decided to start running hoping that if i got far enough away they would leave me alone. i could hear the car speed up behind me so i tried to run faster, but i didnt see where i was going and i tripped and fell.

i heard someone someone get out of the car and i tried to get up and run again but then fell.

"oh what a clumsy little baby you are!"

i looked up at whoever said that, but before i could so anything they injected something into my arm.

"what the fu-"


thanks for reading i hope you like it so far

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