chapter 3:

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ellie pov:

"uggggggh" i groan while i wake up

my entire body hurts, then i remember what happened and i start to panic.

where was i?

i look around the room i was in, the walls were a light pastel pink, to my left a huge closet, and  a changing table. to my right was a big playpen, a rocking chair, and bins of stuffies. i was in a bed, well not quite, it had big wooden bars on the sides and resembled more of a crib.

wait...hold on, am i in a nursery?

i look down at myself. i had on a pink onezie, and i noticed a big bulge around my crotch.

oh no it cant be!

i was wearing a diaper. it was pretty comfortable, but then i remembered what diapers are for...

no no no no no no no... THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!

just as i thought it couldnt get any worse a woman walks into the room. she had dark brown hair, but before i could examine my captor any longer the woman said

"how is my baby girl!"

"who the fuck are you" i spat

the womans face went from sincere to angry and...offended?


"im not a 'little girl' im 17!"

there was a long pause until she spoke up

"this usually would result in a punishment for you, but since we havent gone over the rules, and its your first day home ill let it go."

punishment? home? what the fuck is wrong with this woman?

"okay baby lets get you out of that crib"

the woman picked me up bridal style, and as soon as i was out of the crib, i thrashed around in her arms, kicking and yelling.

"stop that this instant!" she shouted

i payed no attention and kept on kicking trying to get away from her grip.

"oh it looks like i might have to start restraining you, but first, lets see if you need a change."

she lays me down face first on the changing table i spotted earlier, and zips my onzie down, until im left in my bra and diaper.

she flips me over so i am facing up, but this time she straps me down to the table. i thrash around trying to avoid what i know she will do next. but, due to the restraints, my struggling doesnt make any difference.

the woman still untapes my  diaper, paying no mind to my efforts to get away. i kicked at her not wanting her to see my.... you know.

she still managed to get my diaper off and frowned when she saw it was unused.

before putting it back on, she slipped something up my butt.

"what was that?" i demanded

"nothing" she says, although i see a smile forming on her face.

i did not trust this woman one bit

she walked towards the big closet and pulled out a pink shirt and tutu.

she undid the restraints, and sat me up so my legs were hanging off the side of the table.

she then reached over and unclipped my bra and my arms immediately went and covered my exposed body.

"what are you doing?"

"little girls dont wear bras"

i sighed, knowing i couldnt do anything about this.

she moved my arms and slid my shirt on. and layed me back down and put my tutu on me. the tutu was very short and practically my whole diaper was visible.

she picked me up and carried me to a rocking chair in the corner of the nursery.

"i think its time that we go over the rules"


"no talking" she said, sticking a pacifier into my mouth. which immediately spat out, only for her to shove back it into my mouth.

"okay here are the rules,

1. you are to call me mommy
2. what mommy says goes
3. you are to use your diaper for its intended purpose
4 bathrooms are off limits
5. if you need your diaper changed you have to ask polilty
6. if mommy isnt holding you you have to crawl
7. no swearing
8.always tell mommy if you need help

if you follow these rules then you can get rewards, they are

1. extra snacks
2. no bedtime
4. special playtime with mommy

if you decide not to follow the rules you will get punishments

1. early bedtime
2. time out diaper changes


once "mommy" was done talking she took the pacifier out of  my mouth.

"any questions baby?"


"great, now im sure youre starving lets get you something to eat"


okay i finished this chapter let me know what you think

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