DAY V.2: iridocyclitis

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The door we reached was unlocked because it did not even have one.

I pushed it open and pulled Billie in after me. It was an old store room. In the dark I could barely make out racks of broken stage electronics and two rows of shelves. It was not very nice but better than a hallway.

Before the door was fully closed Billie's lips found mine again. I turned, never braking contact, to walk her back two steps.
I needed something to steady us and stopped against the shelf.

We broke apart. I fumbled around for the light switch but found the wrong one. Only the light on the other side of the shelf turned on but at least it was not completely dark now.
We stared at each other. The skipping beat of my heart was only drowned by our breaths, equally loud and equally fast.

"Mara, this is a bad idea."

"I don't care."

Billie stopped me with a hand against my chest when I tried to lean forward. "What if-" She broke off, her voice low but urgent. "Can somebody come in here?"

I felt too hot. My clothes seemed to bother Billie as much as me.

"They could." This time she did not stop me when I leaned in. Instead of kissing her I held back and whispered against her lips, "And I don't care."

"We shouldn't..." Her words where in conflict with how her hands slipped under the hem of my shirt, pulling it up.

"I don't-" leaning back I grabbed the annoying shirt and pulled it over my head in one motion- "fucking care."

Billie let out a quiet chuckle. "What the hell is going on with you?"

"Nothing." I really, really did not feel like talking right now.

Her eyes flickered down for a second. "I wasn't complaining..."

Instead of answering I just pulled her into another kiss.
Billie's hands were not timid, mapping my torso from my stomach up briefly over my bra and coming to a halt on my back. Her nails dug into my shoulder blades almost painfully, the rings in contrast to her soft skin.

My hand fell to her neck and I sucked on her full bottom lip before tracing it with my tongue. Her back arched against my other hand over her breasts.
Her clothes were in the way but I was past caring.

I felt Billie press against me to turn us around and switch position. The attempt made me smile into the kiss before I pushed her back.
I could do this much better than holding hands on a couch, better than being kissed softly in the red dark. This I could do.

I broke the kiss and drove my thumb into the soft hollow under her jaw to lift her chin. Her head fell back against the shelf, lips parted and eyes loosing focus.

"I- fuck!"

There was a broken gasp when I shifted slowly. My thigh slipped between her legs.
It looked as if I had just found another way of making Billie speechless.

I leaned down to kiss her neck until I found that sweet spot again. Her nails scratched over the back of my head before grabbing a fistful of hair.

Just a little pressure made her breathing hitch.

Everything started to feel blurred. My hand spread on her lower back and I had to stifle a moan and stop my trail of kisses when I felt her roll her hips against me.

The circumstances were more than unfavourable. We were basically fully dressed, the shelf was probably digging into Billie's back and technically we were both at work. My colleagues could be next door and Finneas was downstairs with my boss, not to mention that were we were in a store room.

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