2. Who Is This Guy?

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"I'm so into you, I can barely breathe.."

I squint at the annoying chirping sound coming from next to my bed. What the hell? I sit up and grab my ringing phone. Loren is calling. I pick up.

"What the hell did you do to my ringtone?" I say annoyed. She knows my password. She must've changed my ringtone after we fucked last night.

"Oh my God, your voice sounds so hot in the morning.." Why can I hear her twirling her hair as she says this? I roll my eyes.

"Why are you calling me?" I sigh.

"I've tried calling you all morning! School is starting today, remember? You've missed like two periods. If you come over quick you can make it to third. And oh my God! There's a new guy in our class. He's so fucking hot." 

Drink every time she says 'Oh my God'.

"I thought I was supposed to be your boyfriend." I sigh. Not that I really care.

"Oh my God, I totally love you the most, though bb." This is no joke. She really calls me bb. As in bee-bee. I'm starting to contemplate suicide just from speaking to her on the phone. I hang up and rest my head on the pillow for a little longer.

I turn up at school a while later. It's almost fourth period now. I park my car in one of the few empty parking spots at school. I get out and next to my car is a bright red Cadillac. It looks old. Like old style. Honestly, it makes my dusty black pickup look like scrap metal. Who the hell would drive around in such a flashy car? I shake my head and walk towards the entrance of the school. The sun is beaming on the perfectly cut patches of grass surrounding the building. 

Welcome to East End High, Los Angeles. Oh, how I hate this place.

"Ayyy, it's Sky!" Shawn, my best friend, says as I enter the class room. 

I smile at the guys who all greet me loudly as I walk in. We're a group of five guys bonded by the fact that we're all on the girls top 20 hottest guys of the school list. 

Just kidding.

"Hey, man." I give Shawn a pound hug.

"Yo, how've you been?" He combs his brown wavy hair back with his hand.

"I've been good. How about you guys?"

They all tell me stories of their summer. Some of them went to Europe, others traveled some place here in America. Their summer was a lot more eventful than mine. If by eventful you only count good things.

I just nod. Conversations are kind of not my thing.

"Have you met the new guy yet? He's in a lot of our classes. His name is Aaron and he's a pretty cool dude. I think you'd really like him." Shawn says.

"Jesus, I just got here and you guys are already tryna replace me." I joke.

All the guys start laughing. Then the bell rings and class starts. The entire time I stare out the window.


It's lunchtime now and I'm sitting with the guys. "Hey, bb! I've missed you so much!" And Loren. She sits down on my lap and kisses my cheek.

I roll my eyes.

"You're so hot when you're grumpy."

So always when I'm around her, then.

"Oh my gosh, guys! This is my little brother, Chase.." Loren shrieks excitedly.

Fucking hell. I freeze for a moment when I see him. I completely forgot he was gonna be going to our school.

Chase sits down next to me and Loren. He smiles at me apologetically.

I haven't spoken to him since what happened last week. He better keep his mouth shut. If anybody finds out about that.. I'll kill him. 

"Hey guys." He smiles nervously.

"Aww he's so cute!" The guys all start teasing him.


I push Chase against a locker. I feel a sharp pain in my back but don't show it. Not now. 

Everyone's in class but us. 

 "If you ever tell anyone about what happened, I will end you."


"Just nod and say you'll keep quiet."

He nods. "Y-yes. I won't say a thing."

"That's what I thought." I move to walk away.

"W-wait! You.. that was.. my first time.."

I stop. Of course I knew that, but.. I guess I didn't really think about it. For a moment I feel bad. He had his first time with someone who doesn't care about him at all. I, of all people should know what that feels like. Then I remember that this is how the world works and no matter how much of a good guy I try to be, I always end up hurt or hurting someone. It's inevitable. It's life. 

"Well you're lucky that it was with me then." I say without turning around. I keep walking.

"But.. can't it.. happen again?"

Is this guy insane? Here's another confirmation on my 'people are masochists' theory. It was a dumb idea to do it with him anyway. I was horny and he was there. It's as simple as that. If Loren were to ever find out about this, she'd never shut up.

I sigh. "Never."


I walk onto the lush green football field. People are already running around, practicing whatever the hell our P.E. teacher told them to do.

"Mr. Sky..." Mr. Porter says in the most annoying way, dragging out my name.

"Robert.." I mimic.

"Hey, you're not allowed to call me by my first name." Mr. Porter crosses his arms. "Why aren't you dressed?"

"I have an injury." I give him a note. Signed by me cause my mom can't be bothered. But believe it or not, I'm not lying. I do have an injury. 

"Alrighty then. You know you have to stay on the field and observe the game still, right? This is no free period just because you're injured. I want you sharp for when you're healed."

I roll my eyes.

"Now, why don't you go get the balls out of the shed for us?"

I sigh and walk towards the shed.

"Hey man," Evan, one of the guys, walks up to me. We've been friends since we were kids. He's a really cool dude. When all the other guys are joking around and unable to take me seriously, he can just sit down and listen. It's really nice. 

"Your injury still hasn't healed?" He asks.

I shake my head. He's the only one who knows the true story on how it happened. I get sad just from thinking about it.

He must notice my mood get gloomy cause he changes the subject. "Hey! Have you met the new guy yet? He's a really cool—"

"Jesus! Can everyone stop talking about this new guy like he's a God?! No, I haven't fucking met him!" I snap. I push past Evan and walk towards the shed.

I know I shouldn't have snapped at him. He's only trying to help me.

With a frustrated sigh I struggle to open the sliding door. It's heavy as hell. I slowly manage to shove it open. The sunlight shines into the dark shed. A strong smell of cigarette smoke enters my nose and a guy sitting on a stack of mats catches my eye. The light slowly, inch by inch covers his whole body and his eyes shine bright. He takes a drag from his cigarette.

Who is this guy?

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