Soulmates? -keith x reader

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This was requested from EchoVela !
Hope ya like it!

You looked at the counter on your arm. You sighed, with a number like yours it almost seemed like you'd never see your soulmate. You stand up from the park bench you were sat at and began to walk back to your school.

You continued walking until you saw five little specks in the sky.

You squinted your eyes, trying to get a better look before seeing them come your way. Your eyes widen and you quickly began running to your school.

You were almost there before you felt the ground beneath you shake, causing you to fall. You looked back at the five...cats? No, more like lions.

"What the.." you mumbled before getting back on your feet.

The jaws of the metal lions opened, revealing seven people in armor that was far from anything on earth. The first one to approach you was a male with black long hair and a scar on his cheek.

"Hello, I'm keith Kogane." He introduced. You looked him up and down before saying "y/n, y/n l/n" you said before looking behind him at the other six. He began naming them off, one by one before looking at me again.

"Where's garrison?" He asked. "Follow me" you told them, leading them inside. "Here's his office" you told him before leaving.

(Time skip)

You were soon called back up to garrisons office. You walked up, your mind wandering to the even that happened earlier, asking yourself questions liked 'are they human? Why'd they ride in on metal cats? Where were they all this time?'. You soon found your way infront of the door and opened the door.

"Y/n, can you take them somewhere to stay?" Garrison asked. You nodded "of course" you said before leading them to guest rooms They could stay in. Pidge walked up "thank you for letting us stay" they said. You shrug "it's no big deal" you said

"What's that on your arm?" pidge asked you questioningly. "A counter" you told them.

"For what?" She asked

"For my soulmate" you answered. "That's a thing?" She asked, causing you to nod. "Well, it's at five" they told you "it was nice meeting you y/n" they said before leaving to their room.

You looked at your counter with wide eyes before going to your room.

(YEET you into that Timeskip Boii)

Later that night, you heard a knock on your door. You stood up and opened your door. You looked up at the same male from earlier, Keith.

"Hey y/n" he said. "Hello keith" you said back, moving out of the way for him to come inside "whatcha doing here?" You asked.

"Just wanted to talk" he said, causing you to nod. "About what?" You asked, folding your arms while he looked around "anything really" he said.

"Ok" you said, sitting on your bed, him sitting on your rolling chair in front of you as you two began talking about anything really.

You yawned before he points at your arm "is that a counter?" He asked. You nodded "Yep, for me to meet my soulmate" you said to him.

"Well, it's at one" he said before scooting forward and closer to you "does that mean anything?" He smirked, causing you to blush slightly.

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