Chapter 10 - Bay

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    Every moment spent with Reid continued to blossom your relationship. Even working on cases together oddly enough grew the bond between you. Today happened to be one of those case bonding days. At this point Hotch had left the BAU and gone into the witness protection program with his son for their safety. Peter Lewis, Mr. Scratch, posed a threat to them. Morgan also resigned to be with Savannah and his newborn son. On the bright side the BAU gained two amazing agents, Dr. Tara Lewis and Luke Alvez. Prentiss even stepped up and filled in where Hotch left off. We had an agent assisting us temporarily, Stephen Walker, who helped out a lot with the investigations.

    Garcia called everyone into the meeting room where the monitors were plastered with images detailing our new case. Two females were found washed up on San Francisco Bay. You could see how visibly disgusted Garcia looked seeing the images on the screen. After all this time working here, the gore of the cases never got easier for her.

    "You know one of the most infamous prisons is near there. Alcatraz Island is one of the islands that makes up the bay," Reid adds while looking through the pictures.

    "You think that has some connection?" Alvez asked.

    "Not sure but it's interesting," He organized his pictures.

    "On that note, wheels up in thirty," Prentiss inputted.

Once arriving in San Francisco, you and Reid were sent to go look at the bay where the bodies had turn up. There were police and dogs searching for anything they could find that could help with the ongoing investigation.

"They're trying this new medicine on my mom for her Alzheimer's at the program," Reid's face brightened as he spoke.

You could tell he was excited about something when he stopped focusing on a case to talk about it.

"That's really exciting Spence," You smiled.

The past couple of weeks Reid had been concerned with his mother. She has schizophrenia and now she's been developing Alzheimer's on top of that. It's been hard for Reid, but you have been there for him through it all.

"Hey, I think I see something," You walked over to a spot right before the water hits the dirt in the bay.

    Hidden in the dirt was a human skull. The police dogs were able to locate the rest of the remains scattered along the banks. The crew delivered a profile once lab reports came back and it was time to hunt down our unsub. You rode in an suv with Alvez to a run down apartment complex near the bay. The entire team and police department surrounded the building since Garcia had located a cell phone to this building.

"FBI!" The team shouted one by one as they entered the complex.

The building was completely empty minus the empty beer bottles and graffiti. You reached the roof of the complex and there stood the unsub close to the edge of the building. He had a woman tied up by the entryway but he was unarmed. You slowly put away your gun and began talking him away from the ledge. The rest of the team made it up there shortly after you. JJ helped the woman and escorted her out of the complex. You continued to talk to the unsub but something just didn't click with him. With one swift step backwards, the unsub was sent falling off the ledge of the building and on the concrete.

On the plane ride back, Reid was telling everyone about the experimental drug they are trying with his mom in Maryland. He was so excited and so hopeful that it would help her. He made you a coffee while he kept his conversation on medicine going. The rest of the team was excited for him and his mom too. It made you happy to see Reid happy, especially over something relating to him.

You were waiting on Reid to get his things so you two could leave headquarters. Even though you don't live together, you had started commuting to work together. Reid's phone began going off. He answered it right away and spoke frantically to the person on the other end. Then he hung up.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"It's my mom. She walked out of the treatment and was wandering around some casino," Reid looked upset.

    "Spence..." You were interrupted.

    "I'm going to get her. I'm bringing her back here to stay with me. She's better off just staying with me," He gathered his stuff and walked out to his car followed by you.

    Reid dropped you off at your apartment complex with a quick kiss on the cheek. He was upset. You knew that. You went up to your apartment and decided maybe it would be in your best interest to get some relaxation in. You were worried about Spencer but you knew when he was determined to do something he was going to do it. You turned on the bath water to a nice warm temperature followed by your favorite music. A nice colorful bath bomb fizzed in the water. This is what you needed after a case like that. You undressed and unwinded in the bath listening to music. Still all you could think about was Spence.

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