Chapter One: Origins

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Image above is image of Scott⬆⬆

It all began in the year 1776, America had become an independent country at the time. On 23rd November of that same year, everything was going splendid throughout that day and it went on like that till evening came everyone were rounding up their work when suddenly weird sounds and lights from the skies. The sounds were drawing closer as if where they originated from was falling towards them. When finally the object from the sky become visible to them through the skies, they had realized that it was some sort of spaceship falling from the sky. On sighting of this craft everyone scattered in fear that they might lose their lives.

After series of thoughts and discussions between themselves if they should go and check what was inside the ship, a young man came out boldly to check what resided in the craft. Just by getting near the craft the doors automatically opened and showed a way for him to get inside the ship.

"What the hell is this?". He said to himself. As he kept on going inside the ship, on getting into the main bridge of the ship he looked round to see if there were any life on the ship but he couldn't see any one on the ship.

"Looks like whatever was here before is certainly gone or more... dead". Just then he heard a loud thud from behind where he just entered from, he became tensed and afraid, he moved into the passage by which he came to look round the ship for what made the sound but he could see nothing. He continued to look around the ship, when something jumped him from the back and pushed him to the ground. He looked up to see what could have hit him and he saw something that looked like an alien.

"What?... an alien?". He screamed as his vision became clear. He struggled to get back to his feet but no use, the alien had pinned his body to the ground with its own body. With a loud roar the roar, the alien used its bare hands and compressed the mans head till it blow up into tiny bits of meaty flesh and blood splattered. Then it picked up the scent of the remaining humans outside and let out a sounding roar to the remaining aliens on the ship to go and attack. As they all ran out the humans could hear their cries and noises from the ship coming their way, out of fear they all ran. Out came the aliens ready to feast but were held up by their leader

(In their alien language)

"What do you think you guys are doing". The leader yelled to them.

"Allow us to kill all these all these useless beings in this world". The second in command replied stepping up to him.

"NO... We didn't come here to kill primitive creatures". he commanded." Now your wrist bracelets will allow assume the form and think like that of a human".

They all look at their bracelets and type in the desired command to become like a human. The bracelet then accepts the command and transforms them into humans and they spread into the world with their mates to start a new hidden alien race here on earth.

"Uh... Come on, I hate having problems with my pants on the first day of school". Scott said.
"It wouldn't be so if stopped wearing tight jeans". My mom replied.
"Come on mum, I got to get to school".
" OK but first..." She stretches out her palm.
" Give it".
"Fine!". I said as I pull the alien wrist bracelet off my arm.
"I don't still get why I can't carry it to school".
" I don't want you frying up your teacher into a crisp for him scolding you on not doing your assignments again! ".
"Fine... Where's dad".
"Uh... He's away
"Let me guess he's with Uncle Tom again, looking for any ships?".
"You know how much your father and your uncle hate and despise this planet after what my ancestors did to his ancestors, long long ago".
"Where exactly am I from".
"Don't be dumb silly you're from outer space... Well according to where your ancestors came from".
"What is the name of my planet".
"Huh... That's the thing, none of your ancestors have ever made it back to their planet.
(At a military base... Somewhere)
"Hey you".
"Yes general".
"I want a full status update on what the hell I'm looking at on my table by noon".
"Sir yes sir!".
"You, you look like a scientist what the hell is this and why is it in my base!".
"Well what do you think it is?".
"Space ship?".
"An alien spaceship!".
"Don't you get it". He continued." All the knowledge we could get from this thing".
The general looks at him with no sign of any form of regards in his face.
"Look my and boys can tear this bad boy open and actually gives a stand against...".
"Against what man?".
"Aliens! You know they are out there, all we need is your signature and we can get started right away."
"Well let me not be in the way of America's great stand". He says signing the papers.
(At School)
I look round and I see different people doing doing different things, some making out with their babes, some reading(those are the serious ones), some just having fun and talking. I walk into my designated class, everyone was talking and playing but as I entered everywhere became silent. I felt ashamed and look for a seat somewhere and sit there. The noise increases but not as much as before because most of them are whispering things about me, but to my luck the teacher walked in.
"Alright everyone, be quiet and have your seats." Everyone has their seats calmly. "I hear we have a new student on our midst today, why don't you step up hear Andrews!."
I get up from my seat shyly and move to the front of the class.
"Alright guys this is Scott Andrews, he is a transfer student from Winchester group of schools."
"What happened, expelled!" One of the students yell.
"Yea, I heard because he wasn't classy enough!"
With anger engulf in my soul as I watched everyone laughing at me, I shyly took my seat back where I got up from. That is how I remained till lunch time came
"Alright guys, it's time for lunch and remember to submit your physics assignment by tomorrow morning.
(In the cafeteria)
I walk up to the food counter and serve myself my portion of food, just when I notice someone walking up to me.
(In my thoughts)
What a second. I remember this guy, Mike Thompson, he must have left Winchester for some reason too...
(Back on reality)
"Hey you, I was talking to you!"
"Look Mike, I don't want any troubles with you."
"Right like hell you don't!". He says putting his right arm on my left shoulder gripping it tightly till the pain becomes unbearable and I let out tear drop from my eye.
"What a softy". He says laughing and making fun of me.
"Get off me". I whimpered.
"What was that?"
"I said... GET OFF ME!"
Immediately, he staggered backwards, dazed with blood dripping down his nose, ear and eye balls. Suddenly he falls to the ground DEAD.
A teacher walks in goes towards Mike's corpse to check if he had a pulse but she felt nothing.
"Mr. Andrews, to the principals office... Now!"
(Moments later at the principals office)
"Mike Thompson dead on the cafeteria hallway, how poetic". The principal said.
"I swear I didn't do anything". I pleaded.
"Then how can you explain how a healthy teenage jock could have suffered unlikely blood dispersion from weird parts of his body... Now tell me Mr. Andrews what the hell did you do to him?"
I kept him quiet.
"That's it I'm calling your mum, we definitely don't need homicidal maniacs in our school.
I looked at him in utter disbelief and silence as he dialled in mum's phone number and told her about everything that had just happened.

(At home)
"I can't believe it, you have succeeded in doing the impossible, got expelled from a school in fact your third school in one year!". My mum yelled.
"Yea but this time it wasn't my fault". I spoke calmly.
"Oh yeah why don't tell that to your father when he gets home".
"I'm home!". My dad yelled as he just entered the house.
"Oh brother...". I sighed.
Daniel, look, your 'son' has just been expelled from another school again". My mum barked at my dad.
"Mah-Rel". Dad calling my alien name. "Is this true?". He continued.
I couldn't say anything to him about it.
"The principal said he killed someone... A Mike Thompson kid"
"Killed... Really?" My father asked.
"Yes... But this isn't the perfect time to be acting smart, Daniel!, Daniel?!" My father ignores my mother's meaningless chants... I could tell from the look on his face.
"Scott, come with me". My father spoke to me coldly.
"Where are you taking our son to, Daniel!" Again my father kept my mother quiet and the same way I followed him out of the house.
I followed my father all the way to the top of a mountain. "Dad?, what are we doing here?." My dad kept me silent looking down at the bottom of the cliff. "Dad?", i asked again relentlessly until he gave a heavy sigh," this is your first level of training." I was even more confused, " training, training for what?." He turned to look at me with a moodless gaze at me. "You are finally if age, your powers are beginning to show itself. You need to start learning how to control your powers despite your emotions, and that is why we are here."
I looked down to the bottom of the cliff beside him, but still wondering why here.
"Uh... Dad, I don't think you get the question, why HERE?"
"Oh... Right, yes, we are HERE because your first lesson is here".
"OK, so where do I begin. Um... Maybe a little freeze breath or super speed..."
"Like on spot?"
"Off the cliff."
"OK, I don't think I get it".
Before another word got uttered from my lips, my dad pushed me off.
"Remember to try to fly, just, like, do it!"
I continued falling, hoping it would work. Until it finally stopped a few metres from the ground.
"Huh... I've done it".
"Not quite, young man".
I look up to see my dad having a hold of my shirt. I felt ashamed of myself.
He flew me back home, throughout the journey I made no sound because of the shame I felt.
That night I felt too ashamed too sleep, I just stared into the dark void of the night until I received a call from one of my old friends from my past school.
"Hey Chris!, what's up."
"Nothing much but really I should be asking you that same question."
"Why do you say so?"
"I heard that you got expelled from yet another school, do you wanna like talk about it?"
"Yeah... Um... Not really. Well not right now, maybe tomorrow at Roxanne's burger."
"Yeah... Yeah... 10 maybe."

Uh... Now I've got Chris to worry about too. This is one rollercoaster of emotions.


A/N Hey guys, how you liking it, don't be harsh. I'm trying my best, this is my first story.

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Thanks guys ❤

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