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On readers demand....

Faraz's POV:

I was lying in my bed holding my mobile in my hand, and watching a preety face. She was sitting silently and I captured her in my pic in my mobile.

I still remember the day when I saw her for the first time in Mama's home. I met many girls but she was different.  I like her with first glance. But we all went back to Mumbai. Even after going back I was feeling her cute chubby face flashing in front of my eyes, for many days.

But Time change and make everything different. Abbu took sudden decision to take retirement from his job and join family business in Delhi.

And after three years we were back in Delhi. I totally forgot about her, she was nothing to me except a face which I have saw few years back but we were invited to a party where I was going to talk to someone when my gaze fall on her.

"Shifa" I utter her name and  I was shocked on myself that I remember her name. She was quite changed with time but become more beautiful.

And today when I entered in my home and found her in my home that was a different feeling. I never gaze any girl like that. I know it's forbidden to watch any girl like that but I don't know why i use to watch her like that.

I felt happy when she catched me watching her and suddenly lowered her gaze but the thing which made my smile wide and heart jumped faster was her hair. When she bowed her head, her hairlock fall on her face which she tucked behind the ear in very next moment but her lips formed a smile.

I was trying to talk to her and my destiny...

Ifra summoned me for WiFi password, and it was so easy to  save my number in her mobile. I thought she got understand that the message in DP was only for her, not for anyone else.

Her nervous face was still flashing in my eyes. I want this girl in my life.

"Shifa" Her name is as sweet as she is.

I sat down on bed, still watching her in pic. I opened the WhatsApp to text her...

How are you?
I wanna talk to you!

I type the text but before I send that, I stopped myself. She was the daughter of Mami's brother. If she didn't liked me texting her and if she complained to her parents, that would be a big problem in our families. My parents reputation would be spoiled among all relatives that their son was flirting with a girl, my reputation will also be spoiled and I couldn't afford that.

But I wanted to talk to her, she didn't replied.

Even I didn't if know she understood that message or not?

But She can't be this naive that can't understand a simple thing.

Should I call her just for once..?


If its only single sided love from my side, then what!!

If she told her family that I call her in middle of night, then!!


Those if and but were not leaving me... I wanted to talk to her, but I was scared. Its not a simple thing to propose a girl for a boy like me, who always tries to avoid anything which is forbidden in our religion. That wasn't easy for me to propose a girl if that girl is Shifa who become tomato red when I gaze her.

I was stucked between my heart and brain. My heart was wanted to call her or text her but my brain was stopping me to do so..

I saw her status and DP but that was unchanged. That was still showing a pic of pink Teddy.

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