Chapter 13...

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We spent the rest of the meal swapping old stories, laughing at some of the stupid things we did. It almost felt like old times sitting there laughing along with him. The earlier tension between us long gone.

Being around Hunter was just so easy. It always has been from the moment we met. He always just had this thing about him that made you feel so comfortable. It was why I fell so hard and fast for him. That and the fact that he made me feel like no one ever has.

Before Hunter I had two boyfriends and neither of them were that memorable. One was my junior year of High School. I wouldn't even classify it as a relationship honestly. We 'went' out, and by went out we went to get ice cream like three times, for maybe a month. We only had one class together and had totally different friend groups so we rarely ever saw each other. We only kissed twice too. It was a weird random relationship and after maybe a month we both kind of just stopped talking.

My second boyfriend was more of a boyfriend than the first. It was my freshman year of college and we met at a party on campus. He was also a freshman and definitely leaned more towards the nerdy time. He was working towards becoming a doctor so any time we hung out it was all he talked about.

He was super nice, maybe a bit too nice, if that made sense. It was a simple relationship and I wasn't in love with him. So when he broke up with me at dinner 7 months after we started dating I wasn't that heartbroken. He wanted to focus on his schoolwork and didn't have time for a girlfriend. I totally respected it and we parted on good terms. We even stayed kind of friends for another year before we lost touch.

So my track record for boyfriends was basically nonexistent when I met Hunter. It was the very first time I ever felt something close to sparks just at first glance. From that very first encounter I felt something with him. It was unlike anything I've ever felt and even now years later sitting across from him I felt it. Felt that pull.

"Hey guys." Hannah interrupted us for the first time in awhile. We both turned our attentions to our friends. "We are going to get going."

A quick glance around made me realize just how long we've been sitting there. I hadn't noticed just as long we've been talking. Most the table around us were empty and the place was a lot quieter.

"Oh." Hunter and I had been in our own little world to notice anything around us, even our friends. Seeing that all of our plates were even cleaned up I felt bad.

"Here let me help pay for dinner." I reached for my bag but Ryan's voice stopped me.

"It's okay I got it."

"What? No I can't let you pay." I shook my head. I hated when people paid for me.

"No worries, I got it." Ryan sent me a soft smile. I felt insanely bad.

"I feel so bad. At least let me pay you for my half."

"Trust me Mia he won't take it." Hunter spoke up.

"Nope. Trust me it's fine."

"Fine." I sighed, but I already was planning on making it up to him somehow. My mom always taught me to pay people back even if its an act of kindness.

"Ryan and I were going to go back to his place..." Hannah trailed off, her cheeks turning pink. I sent her a look that said, 'back to his place huh'.

"You two have fun." I smirked getting the hint.

"Will you be okay going home alone?" I didn't miss her eyes darting to Hunter before coming back to me.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I waved her off. This is why I took my car. Always come prepared.

"You sure?" I was half tempted to say no just to see her reaction but look on her face told me she wanted this more than anything, plus I wasn't that cruel.

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