8. Bonded.

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N/A. This chapter contains text of a sexual nature and is therefore not suitable for readers under the age of eighteen. ;)

"Who's the top?" echoed Tarek.
He took in Nathan incredulously.
"You're lying here bleeding on my floor and all you can think about is sex?" Nathan thought for a moment and then nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.
"Yes, and especially if I'm the one who gets to take that delicious ass of yours."
He hit Tarek's sturdy buttocks.
Tarek knew Nathan could see the lust in his eyes. Denying that he longed for his touch would be hypocritical.

"First your wounds," he said as severely as possible.
Pouting, Nathan pulled the shirt over his head and followed Tarek to the small bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the enamel bathtub, he observed his actions. "Luckily the bleeding stopped," he heard Tarek muttering.
In the mirror, he took in the damage. Thanks in part to the warmth and amount of alcohol he had consumed, it had bled longer than would normally have been the case. Once Tarek had bandaged his wounds, the skin would quickly stitch together and heal. Under no circumstances were the injuries so severe that it would prevent his plans for the coming hours.

Tarek had not answered his question, but he had not refused either. Everything was still up for grabs.
"Is this your bachelor pad?" he asked casually.
Tarek just placed the last tape and looked up at him.
"That's how you could see it," Tarek agreed with a slightly guilty expression.
"I don't like having to lie to people, but my sexual orientation is not something I can share. Jumanah, for example, knows I'm interested in men, and for her this is a source of innocent entertainment. When we are abroad we often go out together and have fun about the men that catch our eyes. Still, I wouldn't dream of telling her that I actually have an active sex life. I don't think she'd handle that well."
Nathan listened intently. "I think I understand what you mean. Fantasy versus reality," he nodded. "You do well to protect her."

Without taking his eyes away from him, he followed Tarek, who put away the first aid kit, and collected and threw away the materials used.
"Do you have a lot of experience?" he asked curiously, but lighthearted enough not to make it sound like a reproach.
Tarek picked him up over his shoulder.
"More than you," he replied sneering.
"Ah, look, that's where you're mistaken," said Nathan, who grabbed him teasingly at his hips and pulled him closer. "I am very familiar with the pleasure that a tight hole can bring."
His crotch pressed firmly against Tarek's buttocks and elicited a modest moan.

"I've only topped so far," Tarek said unsurely on his lower lip biting.
Euphoria filled Nathan when hearing that confession. His hands slid up to the front of Tarek's shoulders so he could pull him flush against him.
"Can I be your first man?" he pleaded, gently pressing kisses in his neck.
"I don't know if that's wise," Tarek whispered.
"What does wisdom have to do with it? This is between you and me, Tarek. Just us."
He turned Tarek around and kissed the tears that ran down his cheeks. "I don't need anything else. Do you?"
Tarek shook his head.
He knew Nathan had consumed a lot of alcohol. No doubt this took away some objections, narrowing the step of sex with women to the purely lust-based action of today. Nevertheless, he had no intention of stopping Nathan's advances. The knowledge that this incredibly sexy man longed for him was enough to make all objections go away. Tomorrow, reality was going to hit hard, but for now, this moment, they belonged to each other.

"Undress to your underwear and lie down on the bed."
Blue eyes dripping with unfulfilled desire drilled into his.
Tarek obeyed without breaking eye contact.
Nathan enjoyed the disappointed growl from Tarek's throat as he took off his shoes and socks, but kept his bermuda on. He licked along his lips upon seeing Tarek's body that visibly longingly awaited his touch.
"Not so impatient, Tarek," he teased, slowly nestling between Tarek's spread legs. "I love taking my time."
His fingers slid from the ankles on the outside of Tarek's legs up.
"Let me have the pleasure of discovering your body. I promise you'll be happy with the result."
Nathan waited patiently for permission as Tarek lay trembling under his subtle touches on the bed.

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