Part II of II

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The next day, I was woken up extremely early, for a teen atleast, by a faint sound of speech and sobbing coming from outside my room. Forcing my eyes open, I looked at the clock hung on the wall opposite my bed, barely making out the numbers in the dim light of dawn. 10:40 it read. I reluctantly stood up, joints cracking, and wearily made my way to the room door. As soon as I opened it, I was met by my father exiting his room in turn, as equally confused as I was.

Eyes still adjusting to the light, I gazed at the end of the hallway. My brother's room was open, and the sounds seemed to come from there. Me and my father shared the same looks. Looks of concern. We slowly creeped forward, the sounds becoming louder and louder with each closing step; our hearts already beating out of our chests at this point. I peeked my head in first...

My brother was on his bed, bawling his eyes out, while my mother was on her knees next to the bed, at eye level to him and trying her best to console him.

My father immediately rushed to his son's side, suspecting he had hurt himself, or saw something unpleasant.
"What's the matter?" His toned was plagued with worry.
"I heard him crying while I was going to the bathroom. I kept asking him 'What's wrong' but he wouldn't answer me" My mother tried to keep her calm, but the hint of anxiousness was still evident in her voice.

"Maybe he had a nightmare" I suggested. But why isn't he saying anything?  I thought, perplexed.

His sobbing and sniffling then started to muffle and he began calming down a little.
"Now can you tell us anything?" My mother asked.
This time, the boy raised his tear stained face, and then pointed his small finger straight at me, and said only one word.


I felt extremely embarrassed as eyes slowly started shifting towards me. My father took a deep sigh and stepped away from the bed.

"Don't tell me you made him cry over that game…"
"I didn't make him cry on purpose! I just won!" Anger gradually boiled up inside me. It's not my fault he's an arrogant jerk!
"He's a child. You should've obliged to him. He's going to grow up eventually you know" My father reasoned.
"He needs to grow up now!"
"Where is it anyway?"
"In my room. I hid it yesterday".
"Then keep it there, and do not upset your little brother again" He said harshly.
"Fine" I simply rolled my eyes.

"Alright sweety let's get your face washed up" My mother said with a soothing as she took my brother's hand and went with him outside the room. My father in turn went out to god knows where.

I just sighed.

After the troubles were all quite settled, I ditched the idea of going back to sleep in favour of watching TV, or just doing anything else. My head was hurting from what I had heard and saw earlier. Something's not right about him and his actions. Yes, he's a kid, but how can he be so paranoid about a stupid game? The more I thought about it, the more my head churned and stirred, so I decided to stop the useless pondering and play some video games.


It was mid afternoon, and the house felt awfully too quiet for a Sunday during the summer holidays. I had been playing a shooter for well over four hours, fully immersed into my game, when I felt a presence lurking behind me. Startled, I quickly whipped around.

It was him.

I couldn't say I was relieved to see him, but I expected something more ominous with the way he creeped up on me like that.
He didn't look angry. He didn't look in the tiniest bit sad. His face was...solemn. Emotionless.
I just sighed. He can't possibly still be upset about everything. It was time to forget about what happened and move on.
Trying to lighten up the mood a little, I raised the game controller and shook it gently, showing it to him.
"Wanna play?" I said.
"No" he flatly replied.
I pouted. Shame. "So...maybe you'd like to play outside?"
"No. I just came to apologize"
What?!? I was awe struck. My brother never apologises for anything. Ever.
I looked over at him, shocked. He didn't laugh. Nor smirk. He was being extremely, deadly serious.
"Well, um...thank you. I guess?" I stammered. "But...what for exactly?"
"For being rude to you. I didn't want to lose and I was too dramatic. Sorry brother".
My heart warmed. At that very moment, I forgot at all that had happened between us two, and I felt proud. For once.
"Thank you very much, little bro".
In an instance of gratitude, I knelt in to hug him, showing my appreciation and acceptance of his apology. But, as soon as I embraced him, I flinched suddenly and jumped back.

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