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the last time ci had seen her father was the day he walked in on her and another girl kissing..and that was two years ago..

ci's father has never accepted her and blaise's sexuality and ever since blaise & ci decided not to live with him and be out of his life for good, he pops up everywhere and ci was done with dealing with his constant bullshit.

"ill be back." was all ci said as she quickly jumped out the car, slamming the door behind her, leaving desi shocked and confused..

soon enough , she was a least 3 feet away from her father and her blood was boiling.

"why tha fuck are YOU in front of my apartment building my guy? tha fuck is wrong witchu ?!" her voice boomed as her father took a step forward before speaking.

"ciarán , can you just calm down? all i want is to talk to you and blixa -"

"nahh im done talking to you. blaise is done talking so leave bro. we gave you chance after chance and yo hypocrite ass BLEW IT! you judge blaise for being in a gang and drug dealing when yo ass gave us no choice but to leave and survive on our own! not only did you judge me but you beat tha hell outta me that day you found a girl in my room! why tha fuck would we keep living with you if you don't accept us for who we are?!"

"do y'all see how y'all are acting right now? i can't even congratulate you on your win of the season."

"you came to my school? are you serious?!"

"i wanted to support you!" ci made a face at his statement.

"i don't need your dumbass support! you didn't support my sexuality! so what makes you think i needed your support in anything else huh?" ci questioned as her father remained silent.

ci knew that her father wasn't gonna leave easily so she had no choice but to tell him how she really felt. she wasn't gonna back down anymore from her father..

"you are acting so fucking ungrateful right ciarán ! and so is blixa! when your mom passed away, i took y'all in! i did everything under the sun for you girls! even when me and your mother got divorced, ive tried everything i could do to make sure you all were happy! they don't have a parenting book on dealing with both of your daughters coming out as gay so i don't know how you wanted to react! and blixa can be or do anything she wants! she didn't have to resort to drug dealing! she CHOOSE to do that!" ci's father raised his voice making ci get in his face.

"don't you fucking dare bring mom into this! you just couldn't deal with the fact that 'your little girls' wanted to play basketball and football instead play with fucking dolls! you felt embarrassed that your daughters liked wearing boxers and basketball shorts more than fucking dresses! you haven't even called blaise once yet you want us in yo life! get tha fuck outta here!" ci started, not backing down from her father.

"moms death is yo fucking fault you bitch! you cheated on her with your secretary and then divorced her to MARRY YOUR FUCKING SECRETARY!! you walked out on us to live a new life and have children with that hoe you call a WIFE ! you drove mom into depression! you drove her to kill herself! you think she wanted to leave us behind just so we would live with yo ass? NO! but you brought her down so many times..that she couldn't pick herself back up anymore.." hot tears went down her face making her hands ball into a fist the more she stood there arguing with her father.

her father didn't say anything at first, but when he looked over ci's shoulder & saw a girl in her car, a smirk formed on his face.

"is that your girlfriend in the car?" he asked making ci squint her eyes at him.

"what tha fuck does that have to do with anything?

"just asking.." her father started to laugh but ci interrupted.

"well it don't matter cause its none of yo business bitch." she bluntly stated as a fist connected to her jaw.

ci was in complete shock, her hand holding the side of her face.

"now you gon stop disrespecting me!" her father yelled at her, she spit her blood out onto the grass before replying , "or what, bitch."

before her father could punch her again, the sound of a gun being cocked back made him freeze as he turned around to see blaise aiming a gun at his head.

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