0.19 | Calvin Klein : Proceed At Your Own Risk

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Her mind was engaged by the blazing excitement, however, Ruby didn't see the sign where she was heading and pushed one of the doors of the changing rooms. The porch had no light and no one around. She left the door ajar opened and didn't lock it purposely, knowing she could slip in and out of the dress quickly.

Her feminine instincts to circumspect her surroundings first, in case a hidden camera or some pervert was ambushing to assault her, left behind, as she barged in, unworried. Her static eyes pooled with warm water and she was lost in the glistening white dress hanging on her arm; her fingers adoringly grazed the furs of the fabric.

"This one stands out. I wonder how Joseph would react?"

Suddenly, Joseph's shirt slipped from his hands and he wanted to confirm if his apprehension was right; his eyes swelled in shock that depicted more horror as he took a half-turn.
Ruby. Of all changing rooms, what made her choose this particular room only? he thought.

She began humming a tune and placed the dress on the small stool beside her. When Joseph believed she would catch him, she only leaned forward, primping her hair in front of the mirror. Within a split second her green top was off her body. Joseph covered his eyes late after registering another soft thud that declared she had pulled off her jeans. Something stopped him from announcing his presence; maybe he thought it was too late as he had wrongfully seen her in her black bra which had little red flowers on it, shit, he was surprised at his memory, that only counting the remaining minutes was in his hands.

A few moments later, he peered through the slits of his finger, as she blabbered, "Like what is he? Sometimes he has so much money that he is challenging me over the shopping bills, and other times, he pretends to be tight as a duck's arse that he can't buy his car and moves around in Sarah's like a dumb person. He's such a bloody riddle." She shook her shoulders as she adjusted the dress on her waist. She cooled down and tried to relate things, "Situations, Ruby . . . situations. You don't know what he's going through, after all. But what if I . . . want to know, would that portray me as nosy?"

Joseph shouted a big yes in his mind, and in doing that he realized the s sound he punched into the thick air. He took a step backward until his back touched the cold wall and shoved a hand over his mouth tightly.

"What are these plastics strings for . . . eh?" She tugged at them and went on to pull her zip up.

She failed. She tried and failed again. She gave up.

"You will never look sexy, Ruby. And no damn guy will look twice at you. This red ballooning hair looks like an upended Yeti." She paused. "I don't have any uniqueness." Ruby's head dipped, eyes closed to building tears.

A moment later, she felt a light blow and a strong hand pulling her zip to its short end. Her heart hammered like thunder and lightning within her twenty-one inches chest. She lifted her face only to find Joseph who was apparently shirtless and staring into her huge orbs through the mirror.

Oh god . . .

"And you were wondering about them. They are meant for keeping the straps of your bra in place."

She whimpered, taking long enough to come out of a shock. "F-for how many minutes you have been in this room?"

His tongue touched the outline of his upper lip, and he answered with controlled emotions, "This room has only one door."


She screwed her eyes as though a sensation of a bee sting surged in her body. And then her eyes fell to the undone buttons of his jeans and a white Calvin Klein underwear was on the show.

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