His best friend.

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"Hello, you guys!"

They jumped apart and looked at the source of the commotion.

"I ruined a moment here, Didn't I?" A tall, fair, and blonde-haired guy was standing in the doorway of Jung's room.

"As usual," Jung muttered and stood up.

"Amy meet my best friend, Noah. Who never fails to ruin a moment."

Noah grinned.

"Hi Amy, Jung never shuts up about you,"

Amy stood up too and smiled.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you,"

"I'd shake your hand but I'm not entering this room today,"

Amy raised her eyebrows.

"Why is that so?"

"Jung and I had an argument this morning and I swore I would not enter his room today that means I would not clean his room today,"

"Oh, so you clean the house?"

"Yes. I actually do,"

Jung wrapped his arm around Amy.

"We'll catch up with you later, Noah." Jung led Amy out of the room.

"Use protection!" Noah called after them like an overprotective father.

Amy glanced at Jung, who blushed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry about him, He's just...." 

"It's okay, He's nice," Amy shrugged.

"Um... so okay, My room is not a safe place to be so let's go to the backyard,"

Amy nodded. Her heart was beating a thousand times in a minute. He just told her that he loves her. OH MY GOD.

He unwrapped his arm from around her and held her hand instead.

They reached the backyard where they sat on the grass together for there were no chairs.

"I'm sorry about that, We just don't have much furniture you know,"

"Oh Jung, Come on. Stop being embarrassed about your totally awesome house!" 

"You like it?" 

"I love it!" 

He smiled at her, She looked down. Her heart was still beating uncontrollably 

"So...," She looked up at him and trailed off. He was staring at her like...

Well like a child who's gotten his favorite present and is now staring at it in disbelief.

He leaned in and stroked her cheek. She inhaled.

He placed his hand on her neck. She exhaled.

Then gently he pressed his lips on hers and she forgot about the world around her.

She forgot about Jung's crazy best friend.

She forgot about Ansel.

What she had in mind was that she was kissing her boyfriend, Who loved her and she knew loved him too. And she'll tell him that.

Everything was perfect in her life.

Jung deepened the kiss and moved his hands towards her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

He pulled her into her lap and Amy felt like she cannot control herself anymore. She wanted to laugh, cry and kiss him all at the same time. She was going crazy.

Jung pulled away, looked into her eyes, and whispered.

"You're the girl I always dreamed about as a teenager." 

She laughed. 


"Yeah. You're that perfect girl." 

"I'm your imperfect girl." She whispered and kissed him again.

"You're perfect." He argued.

They kept arguing over it in between kisses.

It was decided.

She was Jung's.

She was in love with him

They belonged to each other.


Author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter. But I promise you I'll be updating very very soon!

Vote for your favorite couple!

Ansel and Amy or Jung and Amy.

Babysitting The Bad Boy's Brother.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora