Chapter Eleven

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"No!" Isabelle backed away, horror in her eyes. "No, I cannot. I will not. I have family to take care of. They need me. I must stay at my home; it wouldn't be practical. How, how dare you!"


"Yes, you! How dare you toy with my emotions. I may be free, but I am not impressionable or impulsive, at least not usually, and I will not feed into your fantasy without respecting my own."

"I thought I was taking your fantasy into account. I merely state what would be necessary for me. I cannot leave the castle," Darius stammered due to anger and shame.

"And I likewise cannot leave my home. Can not you see we are the same?" Her eyes pleaded for him to forget her. But he knew he could not.

"Then what are we to do? I don't think I can live without you." Darius's temper settled, and he began to pace with fervor.

       "Well, you're going to have to learn," Isabelle spat.

The two hurt creatures stood toward each other, glaring. Neither wanted to back down or give in, but neither wanted to lose each other.

The rest of the ballroom was filled with anxious, popcorn eating, peanut gallery feeling individuals. The music had stopped except for one violin playing a crescendoing tune, and the fabulously rich and famous watched the scene in silent excitement. Their excitement rose when Gisabelle and William waltzed through the door followed by Darius' mother, who looked weary beyond repair.

          "We are to be married!" William exclaimed at Darius, who did not turn from Isabelle. William was not dejected, however. He instead turned to the masses, exclaiming, "I hope you have enjoyed our show tonight. The ball is coming to a close soon, but I just wanted to present to you my bride and waltz with her a final time." Then, he turned to Darius. "Would you be so kind as to take your fair partner on the dance floor, sir. I'd like to dance with your sister, and it would be mighty awkward if the leader of the ball weren't dancing in merriment alongside his sister."

         At this, Darius froze. Then, his eyes softened, and he held his hand out to Isabelle, who hesitantly took his hand. "Wait," Darius's mother ran up to him, placing her hand on both of theirs, "I give you my blessing, to wed. I'm sorry my boy; I am so sorry. You, Isabelle, are not worth my son- no one is, but if you promise to love him, I am altered enough to believe you won't make an awful wife."

          Isabelle blushed. Darius weakly smiled and led Isabelle to the set. The music started, and Isabelle took a few, very elegant steps toward Darius, then back. Forward then back. Darius gazed at Isabelle, but his eyebrows remained furrowed, determined. They stared each other down, the rest of the ballroom disappearing. A turn and a side step led Isabelle into Darius's arms for a spin. He held her waist; her hand rested tenderly on top of his. Each of their temperatures rose. The dance called for a change of partners. The two continued to stare at each other. They were so engrossed, they nearly missed a few steps. Isabelle nearly tripped on her partner's foot. Then, they changed back. Again, they twirled like graceful doves. Darius remarked that Isabelle smelled like lavender. Isabelle almost slipped and let out a smile. Spin. Turn. Sidestep. Turn. Isabelle landed in Darius's grasp again, this time she stood a little closer. She felt the button of his vest press into her chest. She gazed up at him. His eyebrows softened. They stopped moving, and the rest of the dancers all stepped around them to avoid a crash. They stared at each other quizzically, threateningly. Darius lifted his hand to her cheek. "Move your family here, please," he said.

          "No," she replied.

          "Marry me, and I will buy the plot of land that holds your house. Your family will live between there and the castle, and I will personally design and oversee the construction of a safe pathway connecting the two grounds, so that our children can scurry between the two houses, chose their favorite, and live in it. And you can too, chose your favorite. I will move with you. I will hold this castle for my heir, and I will live in your home with you and your family. Please, will you marry me?"

     Isabelle looked stunned. Her eyes glimmered. "This won't work. Our chances of happiness are dismal."

     "I know I'd much rather risk any unhappiness with you than doom myself to torture without you."

     "But you cannot leave your castle. You said so yourself."

     "Then I won't. And you won't leave your home either. At least full time. We can live between the two of you will agree to it. Many couples have multiple places they call home. Why cannot we?"

     "That sounds almost... reasonable," Isabelle questioned why she ever refused the man before her. "You understand I am not marrying you for your money?" she asked.

     "Is that a yes?"

     "Do you.. understand?" Her eyes narrowed.

     "Yes, I do."

     "Do you understand I am marrying you because I love you. The idea of you. What I know of you so far. And what I can honestly say I will know about you in the future."

     "Yes, I do. And I love you too."

     Darius swooped Isabelle off the ground and turned her around in the air, nearly taking out a nearby dancer. They laughed heartily. When Darius set Isabelle back down, his mother came up to him. She held Isabelle's hand and said, "prove to me that I was initially wrong about you." Isabelle nodded eagerly and declared she would. William walked up to Darius and patted him on the back, "what a jolly good evening we've had. But, where's Charlotte?"

"I am not sure," Darius started. Then, he pulled Isabelle closer to him and declared, "I have no need to wonder where any lady but my intended is ever again."

Isabelle stood on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "I hope Charlotte won't be very disappointed."

Darius leaned down to her and softly replied, "don't worry about her. Her intentions will turn like the wind."

And indeed they had, for at that moment, nay for the last few moments, Charlotte had been traveling in a cart down to Gretna Green with a rich Marquees to consent to an elopement intended to secure her place in society.

Darius's mother slowly learned to enjoy Isabelle's presence, though her favorite addition to the family were Isabelle's siblings, who awoken all the youthfulness in her that she had missed so dearly.

And how did Isabelle and Darius end up- utter bliss or disappointment? I will leave that to you, readers. But I will tell you that they had many beautiful, wild children and went on many joyful adventures. Perhaps, indulging in whims and fancies is an immature pastime. But perhaps succumbing to those whims and engaging in another's fancies can lead to a steady happiness that would have otherwise been forfeited had every whim and fancy been given up entirely.


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