Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Every cell in my body told me to say no

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Every cell in my body told me to say no. I should know that it was a bad idea considering what happened yesterday. I was also sure that nothing good would come out of it, so how come that the only thing that escaped my mouth was 'yes'?

What was I getting myself into? This was not a good idea at all, being alone in the same room as him after the kiss we shared yesterday. I should be putting as much distance between us as possible, not the other way around.

He flashed me a faint smile and got up from his chair. Without knowing, I found myself doing the same thing, and soon, we were upstairs.

It felt strange to be in this hallway again, knowing that the room to the left had been mine half a year ago. It also felt strange that I was about to enter Timmy's room, which I hadn't been in since I helped him unpack his suitcase.

The second he opened the door, I suddenly felt nervous. This was my last chance to escape before it would be too late. I should head back down the stairs again, but at the same time, I was curious about what he wanted to say. Did he want to talk about what happened yesterday, or was it about something else?

Again, I decided to go against the screaming voice in my head that told me to walk away while I still had the chance, and followed Timmy into the room. I didn't know what to do once inside, though. Should I sit down on the bed? Should I move to the other side of the room to put space between us?

He closed the door and ran a hand through his curls before turning to me, his face turned into a tight smile. "You can sit if you want," he offered, nodding towards the bed.

Without saying anything, I did as told, and he walked over to sit down beside me. He knew better than to sit too close, though. Not that it made my heart flutter any less, but it made me think more rationally. Besides, it felt wrong to be so close to him after what happened yesterday.

It was funny how I once thought that my feelings for him would disappear if I just fell for someone else. Here I was, half a year later in a relationship with another guy, but my feelings for the guy sitting next to me at this second were still as strong as ever. I shouldn't even be surprised.

A silence built up between the two of us. Timmy was looking down at his lap, fiddling with his hands while I kept glancing at him to see if he was going to start talking anytime soon.

"So, you wanted to talk?" I finally said, breaking the silence.

He turned to look at me, a crease between his eyebrows. "Yeah. I... I wanted to apologize for what I did yesterday. It was wrong of me to make a move on you like that," he mumbled, his eyes showing nothing but regret.

Inhaling a deep breath, I shook my head. "It's okay, Timmy. It wasn't your fault. You were drunk, and you had hit your head. Besides, I let you do it, so don't blame yourself."

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