ACT I - Scene 2

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PAC, Division 12's Main Office

    On Wednesday, Daniel and I woke up early to prepare for our drive to PAC's main office in the capital. I felt my mouth twitch up into an excited smile as we parked his car a few blocks down in one of the Free Parking garages, and began to walk towards the building. We allowed ourselves the briefest of moments outside of the doors, sharing a long kiss before we went inside.

    "They know that I'm a teacher at Accent Academy, and that you're still a student there," he whispered to me as his lips brushed against mine. I was breathless. "We won't be able to share moments like this while we're rehearsing, so allow me just a few more minutes to kiss you somewhere that isn't behind a closed door." I let out a giggle as I bit my lip.

    I had no complaints about more kissing.

    "There's always after rehearsal. And backstage." I whispered back, feeling particularly flirtatious. "I don't mind secret kisses behind the curtains. They sound so exciting. We can be like Christian and Satine in Moulin Rouge!—hiding our love from the Duke." His lips turned up in an equally flirty smirk before pressing themselves against mine.

    "There's also our dressing rooms," he murmured.

    "Mmm, even better."

    "Let's not keep them waiting." His fingers grazed mine one last time before he pushed open the door. I smiled and politely thanked him, slipping into the student facade I upheld whenever we were on Accent Academy's campus.

    "Do you want me to refer to you as 'Professor Lee' while we're here?" I asked him as we made our way towards the room where everyone else was due to meet in ten minutes.

    "Well, we're supposed to be co-stars in this production," he replied, his voice light. I noticed that his lips were still a little reddened and swollen from our kissing session, and bit my own. "So, you can call me 'Daniel' here, if you like. Although, I do like it when you call me 'professor'." He shot me a wink, and I bit my lip harder. His smile turned smug as he reached for the conference room door. "After you, 'Miss Anderson'."

    "Thank you, 'Professor Lee'," I replied with a polite nod as he held the door open for me.

    My eyes took in the meeting room before me. It was simple and very practical in design: a long, mahogany-wood table took up the majority of the room. A pile of papers and script books were distributed at each of the seats lined up on either side of it. Several individuals were already present, so Daniel and I took the two closest seats we could find. I turned my eyes down to the script book as he began to speak with whomever was seated beside him, running my fingers over the glossy letters that spelled out the title. I flipped it open and began to read over the words that I still knew so well.

    "Daniel?! Is that you?!" A sudden shout from my other side caused me to look up, and I caught sight of a woman with long, dark-brown hair approaching Daniel, who was talking very enthusiastically with a man that had light-brown hair and twinkling green eyes. Daniel turned, searching for the voice that had called his name; and, when his eyes landed on this woman, he smiled.

    "Jamie?!" he exclaimed. I watched as her smile widened, and then she threw her arms around him in a hug. A sudden pang in my chest caused me to immediately look back down to my script book. I could feel this uncomfortable heat spreading throughout my body as my stomach began to twist itself slowly into knots. Who was this girl? Why was she hugging Daniel? Why did he look so happy to see her? I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I couldn't seem to help myself.

    "How long has it been?!" the girl named Jamie asked. "I don't think I've seen you since graduation!"

    "Yeah, it's been about that long, I think," Daniel replied. "What have you been up to?"

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