10. Diverging Roads Maybe?

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!

Hope you're all safe and sane (as in not coming under the category of those who are banging their vessels and lighting up lamps listening to a nutcase. Seriously, I pray you haven't fallen prey to 'it').

Instead, at a time such as this when we are not even aware if what we're facing is a trial or a form of punishment, I hope we're all taking care of those in need. At least the ones in our locality and in our circles. If not much, at least a little of what we could. Maybe a fulfilling meal once in a while or provisions that could last them a few days? I hope and pray we're at it.

Since we've already begun on the topic, I'd like to clear something out. Faqeer and miskeen are not the same guys, I hope you're aware. While the beggars open their mouth and ask for help, there are scores of needy out there who would rather swallow it all, and remain hungry because of their self-respect. Their pride and esteem doesn't allow them to beg because the act of 'asking', they consider it below themselves. They do not want to beg to anyone but their Creator. They want to earn whatever they could by their own effort. Respect such people guys, truly. Find out if they exist in your circles and help them out. Don't push them into a situation where they have to go to bed hungry every day. Don't leave them with nothing. Trust me, they are the ones who would be needing our help the most now.

I hope and pray we'd all reach out to those who are in need, and do our bit, for such help would not only ease their lives now, but would also grant us immense relief in the Hereafter. May Allaah help us all, safeguard us all, and guide us to the truth. Ameen.


This chapter is dedicated to everyone who waited so patiently for me (I know it's over a year🙈, but life had me at its worst for a while until things gradually eased, Alhamdulillaah). And especially to my Tafheemul Qur'aan teacher who has practically given up on checking for updates 😅


"But seek, with that which Allaah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and be generous as Allaah has been generous to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allaah likes not the mischief-makers.''

[ Al-Qasas : 77 ]



The word let a scoff escape her lips.

Man and kind?

Her lips puckered, and planted themselves on the cup she held so religiously in her hands, her eyes still focussed on the objects of her musing.

How wrong can man be?

Another sip of the hot beverage went spiralling down her oesophagus. She swallowed, and placed the cup down, her right pointer running over its rim.

Mercy seems to have just fled from the world, Subhanallaah! The only trace one can find of it is in beings having five senses. None in humans.

Her left hand automatically went to her chin. She fisted it, and placed her face on it, her eyes drinking in the scene ahead, heart feeling a medley of emotions. A strange thrum.

This is just a replication of what man has failed to be in the past few decades.

A crow amidst the crowd she had been watching for a while now cawed causing them all to dispatch in a few seconds. They flew away in different directions, wings flapping against the wind. She watched them silently. Emotions clouded over. A tear escaped the confinement of her eyes. She quickly brushed it away. The cup was brought again to her lips in an attempt to quell the feelings that had surfaced.

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