Writing Tip #1

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Good thing I always write drafts on my Samsung note. This was a lucky save.

This was requested by bunnybumkins

People or writers are not aware of. When writing a book (an actual book), you should consider the number of words written in just one chapter.

The minimum number appropriate for a chapter is no less than 2500 words in total and maximum of 3000-3500 words. Why is this important you say? Well base from almost everyone's experience including myself, people get disappointed with short chapters, and sometimes, short chapters that looks more like a filler part than an actual chapter.

It's a major turn off for most avid readers. It's a gateway for readers to be disinterested and remove your book out of their reading list.

This applies to all books excluding books like Randomnes, Rants, Facts, Tags and etcetera. They're not books to begin with so they're exempted with the 2500 word rule. The books I'm referring to is the ones that holds a plot.

Here's the thing, you can't consider what you presume to be a chapter when you can't literally emphasize the exact events running through your imagination with only 1000 words or less. Believe me, I've stay loyal to Wattpad which was back in 2012 and have written some books too. Chapters with the least words tend to be uninteresting and lack of creativity in most cases.

No offense, you can fool a child but you can't fool a real reader.

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