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(edited: 19

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(edited: 19.01.24)

A NOISE startled me awake, I rose and glanced around, still not quite awake. A soft tap echoed through the room and only then, did I finally realize what caused it. Or rather who. Alice stood there outside my window with a wide smile, waving as she finally gained my attention.

I shook my head and let out a sigh of relief.

In a slight hurry, I opened the window and reached out to help Alice crawl inside. Not that she needed my help with that.

"What are you doing here? What time is it anyways?" I asked, my voice rough with sleep.

Alice just smiled and replied "It's 6:30 AM, I thought that you'd be awake by now."

"Yeah well, I'm getting all the rest that I can get." I mumbled, while sitting down on my bed and watching with my blurry eyes as Alice closed the window.

"Have you tried taking sleeping pills?" Alice asked, her brows scrunching softly.

"Mhm..." I hummed, as I rubbed my itchy eye "Tt didn't really help me. I still had my nightmares, but I couldn't wake up from them. I was trapped..." I explained with a shiver, remembering how it felt.

Alice sat down next to me and wrapped her cold arm around me, asking "And have you tried sleeping next to someone? I heard somewhere that it helps."

I leaned against her, as my body relaxed "No, ever since... that night, it was just me and Charlie. So I didn't really have anyone close to me... besides that would be awkward right? Going and asking; Hey you wanna sleep with me—? Yeah, totally not how I would phrase that..." I muttered the end to myself.

"How about Bella? I'm sure if you told her everything, she would let you sleep with her. Just to try it out." Alice suggested, elegantly ignoring the end of my sentence.

I snorted "Sure, I would ask her. But I'm not too keen on having Edward come in and see me sleeping in my unicorn pajamas."

"You have unicorn pajamas?!" she asked in excitement, before frowning "Oh... wait, how do you know about Edward visiting?"

"I'll neither confirm nor deny the existence of said pajamas. As for Romeo. I have ears, Alice and I'm not sleeping, so I can hear them talking upstairs." I explained, rolling my eyes, before frowning "By the way? That's creepy as hell, to just come into someone's room at night."

Alice let out a giggle "I agree and I tried telling him that. But he never listens."

I laughed a bit, before smirking as I bumped our shoulders together "You know what? I believe that as Bella's sister, I should have a talk with him."

At this Alice giggled, her fangs peaking out adorably "I can't wait to see his face!"

We shared a laugh, before I thought about it and asked with a weary smile.

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