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I opened my eyes and I groaned, a shot of pain filled my head. I heard the birds chirping and I sat up in the bed I was laying in. I was in my aunt's apartment, I remember now. The time was nine in the morning, I see. I had a short sleep.

I take the blankets off my body and I see I'm dressed in my night suit. I frown a little bit, I grab some socks out of my bag. Just when I want to put them on, my door flies open. Lex walks in, his hair is wild and he wears a white tshirt and grey joggingshorts. He looks a little bit weird.

''What did you do last night!?'' He whisper yells. I frown and look him in the eyes. ''Just went to the party, just like you?'' I look at him with a 'what' look on my face.

He keeps looking at me for more explaining. ''I just had a few drinks, I danced with you and your friends and thats about it.'' I shrug.

''So can you then also explain why Lando f*cking Norris is sleeping on the couch?'' He yells again in a little whisper.

''What.'' My laugh is a little loud and my cheeks turn red. Lando Norris?

All the memories from tonight at the party are swimming back again in my head. I grab my head when another pain shoots like lighting in my head.

''You had too many drinks last night, I see.'' He shooks his head and let out a laugh.

I narrowed my eyes and shove him to the side. I walked into the living room and saw Lando on the couch. His suit jacket was laying on a chair, his bow tie was laying on the ground and his white button up shirt was a little bit opened and revealed his toned chest. His face was peaceful and he let out soft snores.

I looked back right in Lex his eyes and he looks at me. ''Told you.'' He whispers and he walks out the living room.

What should I do? Help.

Lando moves a little bit and his eyes open lightly. 'Hi.'' I say and I gave him a awkward smile. ''Lauri?'' He looks at me and around in the living room.

''Yup, that's me.''

''What happend last night?'' He says and he carefully closes his buttons of his white button up shirt. The whole suit looks expensive.

''We left the party and tried to have a after party but we fell asleep.'' I told him from what I remember.

''Oh.'' He replied and his famous smirk reveals. ''I remember we had some real serious talks in that booth last night.'' He says out of nowhere.

I sent him a little smile and I look at the big clock in the living room. ''You hungry?'' I ask him. I know this boy a few days and since yesterday I know some more private things about him but nobody, not even me expected to have him here on my couch.

His eyes follows my eyes to the clock. ''I think I need to go, sorry.'' He answers with a little bit of sadness in his tone. ''I need to pack for my race.'' He stood up and grab his things of the floor.

''I will make it up to you.'' He says with a cheeky smile. He put on his jacket and looks at me.

''Yeah, you better do Mr Norris.'' I said back with a playful smile.

I walk with him to the frontdoor of the apartment and show him the way out. ''Bye Miss Rowan.'' He says back with a smirk on his face, his hands travels in his messy hair to make it even more messy.

I narrow my eyes when I see his car, a bright orange Mc Claren car. He slides in the car and shut the door. Wow, nice car there Lando.

The engine roars to life and he sends a little wave to me and he drives down the street and he disappears. I walk shut the front door and I shove a smirking Lex to the side and I walk back to the bedroom where I was sleeping in, I grab my phone off the charger and I open my notifications from the last minutes.

landonorris sended you a message!

I had a great time tonight! 😁
Sad you didnt give me your number... 😥

I smile brightly and type in my phone number, after that I hit the send button.

hi girlfriend | lando norrisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora