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I know it's been almost 5 years since I wrote this book and it's been bothering me how I chose to end it. I was so caught up with life that I let down my readers of this fantasy I had in my head. So I decided to create an epilogue for the sake of assurance for the characters and everything that happens in the story, the rest I leave to your imaginations. I hope you all enjoy this last, and very impulsive chapter. I love you guys and you all deserve to have answers.

PS. I made a proposal on disney princess themed werewolf books but yet to decide whether to continue them or just making a much cleaner version of this book but we'll just see how it goes if ever I made up my mind.



It was a foreign feeling, yet refreshing that I found myself bathing in the peace that surrounds my life from today. The sun was glaring in a way that heated our skin, making us feel more alive in the moments that we make our memories in.

The world of werewolves finally settled after the revolution of the rogues against the packs. It was death upon death in the whole period of the fight. It was a never ending war zone that was never dawned with the light of day. Myths of the Moon Goddess coming down from the heavens to save our kind became truth once it happened on the last day of hell. She eradicated all the monsters of the land and restored peace to whatever was left of us.

Everything happened that wasn't what I expected, least wanted almost but I humbly accepted that this is my fate, the fate made for me by the Goddess herself. I had to respect that, and with all those elements in my fate made me who I am today. A stronger, fiercer, and much prouder version of my young self. If the 10 year past version of myself were to look at where I am today, I would've looked at the journey with better hope. But if I ever did, then this makes a significant change in the millions of parallel versions of this chapter.

"Mommy! Look, I caught a butterfly!"

I turned to the meadows of our pack, that I'm proud to say stands as Royal Moon for we forged into a united one, with everything that happened to where we are today.

Seeing my daughter Anais running through the fields with no worry and grief in her heart makes me happy. That she never had to see the days where our race struggled for survival, that she never had to experience the prejudice of judgment towards our kind.

10 years seem short lived but to us, it was an ephemeral transition of change. The chaos only died down when several of us died themselves. It was a sacrifice we had to take, what my good friend Lilian, Dad and most of our kind had to take.

With the loss of a friend comes the loss of a sister. She was my best friend. She still is, I still tell her stories and secrets that I wouldn't share to anyone else. It was only different that she is 6 feet under and I'm talking to her soul. I never stopped talking to her and loving her unconditionally. She was a sister I never knew I needed.

Justin never got the hang of moving on at first. Well to be honest, no wolf can ever get over the loss of their mate. It's a feeling that we cannot apprehend by mere words. It's like a heartbreak but a life long one. He almost took his own life but then, years after trying to accept that she was never coming back, he found himself a new mate. Second chances are really rare, and I'm proud that Justin had that chance. If it weren't for Lilian leaving the world, they wouldn't have met. The Goddess works in mysterious ways, but we learn to live with it.

And who would've known he would be destined to my sister Alexandra in the end of it all.

"I'm running errands for the pack, need anything?" Alexandra said in a huff, accelerating in wolf speed. I shook my head and we exchanged smiles before nodding off to each other while she's off to do her tasks for the pack.

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