Chapter 10

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Heading into my villa, as I unlocked the door I could feel Alex’s breath, warm on my neck, sending shivers all through my body. He nuzzled my neck, placing a soft kiss on the nape and I tried desperately to actually unlock the door and not melt into a puddle on the doormat. I lingered a moment longer than was strictly necessary, to enjoy both the sensation of him at my back and the anticipation of what was to come, then pushed open the door.

Am I really going to do this? I thought. After all this time, I finally felt comfortable enough with a person that I would even contemplate taking things further. Regardless of where this relationship would go (and I wasn’t thinking it was going anywhere, this had vacation fling written all over it), this was the perfect combination of right guy, right place, right moment in my life that I’d been holding out for.

Part of me felt like I should tell him, but I didn’t want to make it a bigger deal than it needed to be -- if I told him I was a virgin, he would assume that I was in love, or that I expect some kind of commitment from him, and that just wasn’t the case. He was amazing, he was sexy, he was everything I would have imagined the guy I shared my first time with to be like -- wait, scratch that, he was actually way beyond anything I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. But that was really all I’d been waiting for, to be able to have my first time with someone that just felt right.

I hesitated for a moment when we got into the villa--should I play it a bit coy and take him into the living room or should I just cut to the chase and head right for my bedroom? Not wanting to pretend for a moment what was happening (or going to happen), I reached back, looking up at him through my lashes, and grabbed his hand, leading him into my room.

Once in my room, I held up a finger to Alex and went over to the iPod dock and selected the perfect playlist, one I’d euphemistically titled “Sleepers,” and pushed play. As I turned back to him, he placed his hands on either side of my face, gently pushing my hair behind my ears and staring deep into my eyes. His eyes then dipped down to my mouth and he kissed me, softly at first then gaining intensity. As I opened my mouth and touched my tongue to his, he deepened the kiss with a soft groan, stumbling as he guided me back to the bed. My hands slid from his chest to wrap around his neck as my back touched back onto the fluffy white comforter with a gentle bounce.

It felt amazing to have the full weight of Alex on me for the first time and when he adjusted his body to put some of his weight on his elbows and forearms, I pulled him back down as quickly as I could. He gave in without a fight and, with no encouragement at all from him, I moved my legs so he could settle more comfortably between them.

I don’t know who I was at that moment, I was going on pure instinct and everything felt amazing. His soft hair under my hands, the feel of his rapid breath on my face and neck as he nuzzled and kissed me--it was the ultimate seduction. He even smelled incredible, a heady combination of sand, sun, margaritas, and what must have been his soap or deodorant -- a deliciously peppery smell. I'll have to ask him about that later, I thought, then lost the thought completely as I felt Alex’s strong hands move down the sides of my body.

He slipped his hands under my dress which had ridden up high on my thighs, but once on my bare skin, he still only touched my sides, none of the interesting bits in the middle. Finally, when I was so aching for his touch that I almost begged for it, he moved his hands over my bra-covered breasts, cupping them and rubbing his thumbs over my nipples. I gasped then arched myself into his hands, tipping my head back in abandon.

“God, Charlie, you’re amazing,” Alex groaned. Wanting to give him back some of the pleasure he was giving me, I kissed him on his neck, slowly moving up to his ear and then took his earlobe into my mouth, licking and sucking on it alternately. His subsequent moan made me feel powerful -- I may have been a virgin, but I was one hell of a maker-outer and I planned to put all my skills to use before I got past my limited experience.

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