14: thunder

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"what are you thinking?" hoseok asked as the two were in their room at night.

"hes just...Perfect"

"you mean the prince?"

"yea....His smile.. His eyes, everything" jungkook said dreamy staring at the ceiling.

"you are falling for the prince" hoseoks aid wiggling his brows.

"i already did. Years ago.....but now, my heart is burning when he is near" jungkook turned in his side looking at hoseok.

"well im going to sleep now, good luck" hoseok said turning off the light and closing his eyes.

Jungkook sighed with a smile and did the same. Falling asleep soon


There was a loud thunder and Taehyung jolted awake Clutching hus bedsheets.

"no no go away" he said to himself closing his eyes.

Taehyung had always been scared of thunder. He would meed someone to be able to relax. Its been a long time since there was last a thunder going, and it was very unexpected for him.

There was another one and taehyung flinched covering his ears. He got out of bed and put on a silk robe.

He hurried out of his room and ran through the hallw to a door a few doors away from him. He knocked.

"y-yoongi hyung?" he said halting his knocks. He didnt get a response so he looked around scared.  The palace was dark. The chandeliers didnt give much light. And it was cool light not a warm color.

He started running to the stairs while covering his ears to block out the loud thunder. He didnt like it. He definetly didn't like it.

We went down and halted seeing a guard patroll the hall. He had to wait till he was turned around before walking. So thats what he did. He held a hand over his mouth to prevent his noises to spill from his lip and alert the guard.

As soon the guard walked back he walked down the last steps and ran to the door in the middle, closing it behind him.

He hurried to the fourth room and went inside. It was dark but he could make out what was what. From walking in the dim light from his room to here.

He kneeled next to the bed on the right and tapped the persons shoulder.

"j-jungkook?" he said softly, gently waking the knight up. Who was quick to wake up and sit up alarmed.

"who i-taehyung?" Jungkook whispered suprised. He didnt expect the prince to be here at this time at all. "why are you here?"

"i-im scared. I dont like thunder" raehyung said softly. They didnt want to wake hoseok who was a few meters way from them in the other bed.

"but you arent allowed to be here are you?"

"i dont care. I want to be here"

"okay come here then" jungkook didnt try to change taehyungs mind. He liked that he could be there for him. There were many places taehyung could go to. And to know jungkook was one of them Made the Knight feel special.

Taehyung didnt hesetate to crawl on the bed next to jungkook and cling onto his arm. Holding it tightly.

"if my father sends you away....Will you come back to me?" taehyung asked.

"Of course i will" Jungkook said looking at the prince. He was so beautiful even in the dark.

"thank you" taehyung smiled looking back at jungkook. His heart began beating faster as he stared in thise dark eyes. The eyes were always so soft when looking at him.

Unknowingly taehyung was now holding jungkooks hand. He flinched squeezing the strong hand hearing a loud thunder. He pressed his face against jungkooks shoulder scared.

"shh its okay, it wont hurt you. Im here" jungkook said rubbing his thumb over taehyungs hand softly.
"go to sleep pretty prince"

Taehyung had his eyes already closed but he didnt dare to fal asleep. He was scared the thunder will break something of the castle.

"i will stay awake for now. Dont worry" those were words taehyung needed to hear at that moment. He emedietly let himself go to sleep, but refused to let go of Jungkook. He slept better and more comfortable while hugging something.

Jungkook took this time to look at the other. He really was beautiful. Everything was just how he liked it. And his heart was telling it. He would surely make it explode like this. But he had to hold back. Taehyung was a prince, he was just a knight.

They cant. Its the rules.


"what...When...How?" hoseok said as he woke up and looked to jungkook. But he didnt expect that there was more. The prince was there as well. Laying next to jungkook in bed. His face resting in jungkooks shoulder whoke jungkook had a arm around the Prince.

"they are cute i must say" hoseok said and leaned against the wall crossing his legs. He was going to wait for the two to wake up.

Wich he didnt have to wait long for.

He saw jungkook blink and open his eyes. First thing he noticed was the weight on him. He looked down and smiled at the sight. Seeing the Prince in his arm. His cheek a bit squicmshed in hus shoulder making him look soft and cute.

"how?" hoseok said and jungkook snapped his head to him. He didnt expect hoseok to be awake and watching him.


"this how?" hoseok pointed at the two.

"he was scared of the thunder last night. So i comforted him"

"i see"

Suddenly taehyung stirred and woke uo. The both awake boys looked at him in silence. Taehyung opened his eyes and they widen seeing the two knights look at him.

"a-ah im sorry" he said and got off jungkook sitting on his knees.

"i didnt mind" jungkook said and taehyung smiled. He wanted to lay back down but suddenly he gasped seeing the time. He got out if bed quickly.

"i got to go back beford Hyanna comes to my room" taehyung fixed his wrinkled robe.

"hey guys you are miss-Taehyung?" someone opened the door.
Taehyungs eyes widen and he turned around.

"y-yoongi Hyung?!"


I had wrote this last night. But it didn't save and i lost it. I was really annoyed. But i wrote it again this morning.

I really hope you like it. Its a bit different than i originally had written...

Thank you fir reading see u at the next chapter!

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