Quarantine Series Part 5

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You woke up to the text message and immediately asked for the day off. You told him you would definitely be there and spent the rest of the week in anticipation. You absolutely loved parties, so this wasn't anything new for you, but you were more excited than usual. You knew why. It was the same reason that you were going to spend a good while on your makeup or on choosing an outfit that was just casual enough while still feelings hot. On the day of, you didn't do much except get ready while watching Netflix, even though the party didn't start until 9 pm.

You made sure to be one of the last people to arrive at the party, because you were always afraid of being too early. It was so loud inside that you could hear it from the hallway and you were afraid that your knock might not be heard from inside, but almost the second your knuckles made contact with the door, it opened. Alex greeted you and pulled you into a hug. "How've you been? It feels like so long since I've seen you."

"I've been fine. Real busy. All I've done is work ever since they let us out of quarantine," you told him. Then, you walked into the apartment and looked around. All of your friends plus a good amount of people you'd never seen before were inside. Most of the people were already about 2 drinks in, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. You noticed that all the places to sit down were already taken.

"I thought this was supposed to be a small thing. This place is packed," you said.

He smiled nervously and scratched the back of his neck, "Well, I was just going to have a few people over, but I just couldn't leave anyone out and it kept getting bigger and bigger. I don't know. I wouldn't blame you for leaving if it's too much..."

"No, no. It's great. It reminds me of college," you said. You saw him smile with relief.

"I'm gonna grab a drink," you said and made your way to the kitchen, squeezing in between people and trying not to knock into anyone. You opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. You immediately chugged half of it after opening it, because you refused to be sober at a party. You only stopped to take a breath and were chugging the other half when you heard someone familiar behind you.

"Wow, having a rough night?" You turned around and saw Will.

"Oh, hey Will! I haven't seen you in forever. How've you been ?" You grabbed another beer from the fridge, partially to drink and partially to have something to do with your hands.

"Good. Glad to be out again. That quarantine was a fucking nightmare."

"Oh for sure," you said. "I'm so glad I get to party again. All I've been doing is working since everything ended."

"So I've heard," he said with a slight knowing smile. You wondered what joke you'd missed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing." There was a tone in his voice suggesting that he was lying and wanted you to know it. You rolled your eyes.

"Alrighty then," you stood resting against the countertop and awkwardly sipped your beer for a few seconds of silence before you said, "Well, I should go see who else is here. Good to see you."

Glad to have any reason to leave the discomfort of that silence, you headed over towards the couch to see if there was anywhere to sit down. When there was nowhere to sit, you stood against the wall and awkwardly scrolled through your phone. You usually didn't have as much of a problem with parties, but there were too many people to easily find friends to talk to and there wasn't any dancing. Since that was really all there was to do at parties, besides various substances, you ended up with nothing to do but stand there and slowly get overwhelmed by the amount of people and the overwhelming stimuli.

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