Chapter 18: Eli

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A/N: 30.03.20

What's your favorite thing to read in stories? Fluff, angst, family, strong female leads, romance, cheesy scenes, etc?

I'm a sucker for relatability and friendship. I love a good bromance and when girls watch out for one another? Love that.


*Eli's pov*

After running away from the gangsters, I told Thomas that I had to go home but that I didn't want to walk alone in the southside, so he came with me. I didn't have to sneak him in since our mansion was so big, my parents probably wouldn't even notice if I brought home a pony.

The second I closed my door room behind me, Thomas pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips against mine. I whimpered when his hands slipped my shirt, his warm rough hands making my mind go wild as his tongue entered my mouth. He tasted sweet and minty and the way his lips worked against mine made my knees buckle.

His finger trailed higher up my chest and my eyes snapped open, quickly shoving him away when I realized what I was doing. Thomas staggered back, surprised by the abrupt rejection. His brows stooped in worry.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No." My chest was rising and falling, my heart racing wild as I tried to get oxygen to my lungs. I couldn't think straight when Thomas was looking at me like that. He ran a hand through his messy brown hair, working his beautiful jaw that clenched, before letting his hand fall to his side.

"You don't want this," he said, reading the look in my eyes. It wasn't a question, but a statement. I didn't know if I was supposed to be happy or upset that he sounded disappointed.

"Steven," I blurted. Thomas tilted his head back and let out a groan.

"Your bestie?" He grumbled. I tried to stay calm, but I could still taste his lips, and the warmth of his hands lingered on my body.

"I like Steven," I said.

"No, you don't," he deadpanned.

"You don't know me!"

"Then teach me!" he shouted back before his voice softened. "Then tell me what I don't know."

He took a step towards me but I retreated. Thomas glared at me, then sighed, crossing his hands over his chest, but he didn't come nearer.

"You said that you came to my neighborhood because you wanted to talk," he stated. "What did you want to talk about?"

I pressed my hands together. "I didn't mean to get mad at you after the job interview."

"Why did you get mad?"

"I'm just used to getting what I want, okay?" I didn't care if I sounded snobby, Thomas was probably already used to that, but I was still trying. "And I was upset that you had to leave."

"I left to take care of my little sister."

My face fell, feeling even more guilty. "I know."

There was a silent pause.

"I would have stayed, you know," he murmured gently. "I wanted to spend more time with you too."

My heart skipped a beat when he said that, and I couldn't find myself to look into his eyes.

"Eli." I flinched when he said my name. "I know that we argue a lot and that we grew up differently, but I still like being around you. I don't really understand it either, why I like you so much, why I think about you so much, but I'd really like things to work out. And I know that it'll take some time and effort and that we're going to get into some nasty fights, but we're both trying, and that means something, doesn't it? It's enough to give us hope, right?"

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