Paintbrush Fear

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We are in a strange world where humans don't exist, only Pokémons live in this world and they live in small villages, eating berries and doing their own stuff with their traditions.

It was a sunny day as always in the Pokémon Village and in the town centre two new Pokémons came as explorers.

They were a muscled and beautiful Machamp with his friend Lucario.

The two Pokemons have been well welcomed by a Gallade and they have been brought to the village chief, he was a Cinccino.

"Welcome darlings!" said the chief "What brings you to my village?" asked

"We're searching a place to settle down" replied Lucario

"Nice! Our village is a happy place where all the Pokèmons can live in peace, we help each other and we're looking for a rescue team! Are you interested?"

"Yes we are!" replied Machamp "we'll need to earn money somehow!"

"I'm glad to announce that you're now part of our village! But to confirm it properly you need to do a test..."

"W-What kind of test?" asked Lucario, he was ready for everything

"My advisors will bring you to the place of the test and will explain you everything, good luck!" said Cinccino e at the end of his words a Lickitung brought Lucario e Machamp to a strange house.

When they got in they found two strange chairs, they seemed to be training tools with a iron bar at the top of that.

"Is it a strenght test?" asked Machamp happily "Because so we're in advatage!"

"You'll see in a moment" said Lickitung "by now just sit in that chair and grab the iron bar".

The two Pokemons sat in the chairs and stretched their arms to grab the bar.

Machamp needed 2 iron bars for his 4 arms.

"Stretch your legs now" said Lickitung and suddenly a footrest appeared.

Lucario and Machamp streched their legs in front of them.

Suddenly a pair of locks appeared at Lucario and Machamp' wrists and ankles blocking them completly.

"What does this mean?!" shouted Lucario

"It's part of the test! We need to paint every part of your body with the village flag's colour once, it's the true symbol that you are now part of the village!" said Lickitung

"B-But how will you paint us?!" asked Machamp in fear

"We have engaged some Pokemons for doing it" replied

"T-They will pour the paint on us hehe right?! Just... pour it... RIGHT?!" asked frightened

"Unfortunetly no" said Lickitung and by the end of his words 5 Smeargles appeared from a door, each one with a bucket in his hands

"W-WHAT?!" screamed Lucario


The Smeargles got closer to the two Pokemons stuck in the chairs, 2 for Lucario and 3 for Machamp

They tried to break free but the lockets were too strong

"Where should we start?" asked one Smeargle

"Mmh... I think from the head going down" replied another one

"Okay" said all together

Lucario and Machamp were in an absolute fear

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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