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The plastic grocery bags dug into Val's forearms and she groaned, closing the trunk of her car. Carrying too much definitely made this a feat, but she was determined to make one trip. 

She was lugging everything up the stairs of her apartment when she noticed the wet foot prints on the cement leading to her door. 

Her brows furrowed as she contemplated that it could either be Charlie the maintenance man, or... a neighbor? Seeing as she didn't know the name of a single one of her neighbors, she negated the latter possibility. 

Shrugging with a frown, Val shoved her hand into the small purse for her keys. As she stuck her key in the lock she paused, and a nagging feeling crept over her. If Charlie had come by he would have left a maintenance slip on her welcome mat, Val's eyes slowly slid to the paper-less mat below her feet. 

She glanced back at the door and took a deep breath. Not knowing what she was about to see kicked her heart into overdrive, she gently twisted the knob.

The door groaned as it softly grazed her floor, she took one step in and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it even smelled the same too. Walking towards the kitchen she warily looked around corners, not even sure what to be searching for. 

Val's legs carried her to the kitchen counter before her eyes caught sight of it––a maintenance slip. She let go of the breath she was holding in and a laugh bubbled out of her mouth at her own paranoia. 

"What's so funny?" A deep voice spoke from behind her, she slowly turned to find a tall man leaning against the wall of her dining room. He was clad in black––black skinny jeans, black boots, and a black bomber jacket that his hands rested in. Her eyes landed on his shallow brown ones, and when thinking back to this moment, she would remember how deadly his gaze was. 

Her eyes dipped below to his neck where a black bird was inked, and she thought that it complemented his tan skin well. She noticed his mouth curve up into a smirk and her eyes zipped back to his, embarrassed that she had been caught staring. 

"Well? You gonna share with the rest of the class?" His hand waved towards the two unnervingly and equally tattooed men seated on her couch, they came to stand near him. She hadn't thought to check her living room.

"Well if I knew I was having company I would have bought more to make for dinner," She said more quietly than she would have normally done, but she was sure at least one of them had a gun, if not all. 

Her arms started to feel sore and she realized she hadn't set the groceries down. The adrenaline from having three absolute strangers in her apartment was wearing off as her fear took its place, he let out a small laugh.

"Oh, sorry, we're bein' rude. Let's help you with that," He said condescendingly, yet didn't move an inch as the two burly men stepped forward. They slid the bags down her arms and she was stuck, paralyzed with fear as he silently scrutinized her. 

His gaze slid down her body at an excruciatingly slow pace, drinking her in––savoring her. She could hear them putting her groceries in the kitchen and the bird-tattooed man tilted his head, as if she were the one in his apartment.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She said, shocked that her voice sounded so much stronger, if they wanted her dead they would have done so already. The fear gradually left her body as she kept eye contact with him. He straightened up and started to walk towards her, stopping a mere 3 feet away.

"Oh relax, sweetheart. I just wanted us to meet up so that we could all have-" His hands pushed his pockets out slightly as he looked around the room before settling his gaze back on her.

"A little talk," He finished, his eyes are set to intimidate as her's narrowed in confusion. 

"About what?" Her thoughts raced as she tried to figure it out whether she should really be worried at this point. Did any of her neighbors see him enter her apartment? 

She took a deep breath and waited impatiently for him to respond. He gave her a slight grin, and raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Oh about the money you stole from us."  

hey everyone!! this is my new good girls fic, definitely based off of the show but is still an au. let me know what you think, more chapters to come!

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