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Happy soul for days i was.
Being illiterate of the symptoms and the flaws.

An unknown pain experinced by heart.
It was already started when i checked it hard.

An uncontrollable feeling that cant be stop.
There was a cure before the time hit the the clock.

But it was too late to even realise.
I had fallen into it like cotton rolling by bise.

From bitter sweet years to happy sad days.
My life inbetween these years turning many ways.

My health was getting worst making me insane.
But i was smiling while managing my pain.

At last when the time came.
I fought like a warrior and won the game.

I cried out loud had many emotions.
Happy that i won and sad to loose that person.

Because a person whom i thought as a lover.
Was metastasize inside me like a deadly cancer.

-Mayesha Mehzar.

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