College Couple

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Harry is at basketball practice and is going through a new drill with his team.

Then suddenly he hears a whistle from the tribune. He turns his head in the direction and sees Louis smiling at him.

"Tomlinson! Don't distract the players!" The coach shouts

"Ey yo, coach! Don't talk to my boyfriend like that!" Harry shouts as he catches a pass and goes into a underhanded layup, takes the rebound and passes the ball to his teammate and walk to end of the queue.

"Head in the game Styles!" The coach shouts back.

They continue with the drill with Harry looking up at his boyfriend here and there.

"Five minute break!" The coach shouts.

Harry jogs over to the bench, grabs his water bottle and walk over to Louis who have walked down form the tribune.

Harry smiles as he wraps his arm around Louis' shoulders and takes a large sip from his water bottle. Louis smiles back as he wraps his arm around his (Harry's) waist, holding Harry tight.

Harry takes the bottle away form his mouth and kiss the side of Louis' head. Louis turns his head and kiss him on the lips. "You were great out there! -as usual." Louis compliments and kiss Harry again. "Thank you." Harry chuckle.

"Styles! Back on the court!!" The coach shouts again. Harry roll his eyes and kiss Louis one last time and then jogs over to his coach and teammates.

Practice goes on, and after an hour, practice is done. Harry grabs his bottle and walks over to Louis and wraps his arm around his shoulders, Louis' arm goes back around his waist. "Was a good practice. Are you coming to the finals tomorrow?" Harry asks as they walk into the locker room.

"Of course I'm coming! The whole school's gonna be there, watching you beat their asses and win the season!" Louis smiles as he sits down on the bench by Harry's locker.

Harry smiles at him with a towel hung around his neck. He leans down and kiss Louis again. "I'm just gonna take a quick shower and then we can go." He says, Louis nods in return.

Harry comes out of the shower five minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist. He changes into some black sweatpants and a red college sweater with their teams logo and name on, and a grey beanie.

He throws his bag around his shoulder. "Let's go." He smiles and intertwines his fingers with Louis' soft ones.

They walk out of the locker room and into the school hallway. They're the most known people at collage, they're both the team captain at their team, Harry at basketball and Louis at football. They're dating, which draws more attention to them, when they hold hands, kiss here and there etc.

"What do you have after lunch?" Harry asks as they walk into the cafeteria and sitting down at a table with their other teammates, who are also their best mates.

"Football." Louis answers as he takes out his lunch.

"Hi lads." Louis greets Niall, Zayn and Liam. Niall and Zayn are Louis' teammates, and Liam is Harry's teammate.

"Hey Larry!" Liam smirks as he said the ship name he and the two other lads came up with. Both Harry and Louis rolled their eyes.

"Shut up." Harry says as he takes a bite of his sandwich. Liam, Niall and Zayn started laughing. "Yeah yeah, what took you two so long anyways?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, I got into the locker room right behind you." Liam says.

"I had to shower because I have more lessons today, and Lou waited." Harry explains as he crumbles up the paper his lunch was wrapped in and took a basketball shot at the trash can.

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