Chapter 7

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(Sonic's PoV)

It had been five days since we left home. I still can't believe I haven't been caught by Shadow yet. I managed to eat without him hearing, and when he leaves the trailer to get gas, I get out to go to the bathroom while he's not looking. Everytime I get from under that bed, I thought I was going to get  caught. The first few days wasn't so bad, but under the bed it was starting to get really uncomfortable. The only comfort I had was my sweater I wore. Everything was going fine, until today.

(Shadows PoV)

I only had a few more miles to go until I got to Miami. Then a few miles more until I get to the hospital. It was getting dark out so I decided to park the trailer and call it a day. I parked the trailer in an empty parking lot. I got up from the driver's seat and plopped down on my bed. First I heard a this, then I heard a voice.

"Ow!" the voice said. I got up and looked under the bed only to meet two emerald eyes looking back at me.

"Sonic?!" I said.

(Sonic's PoV)

"Hehe...hi.." I said nervously. I could already tell he was pissed by the was he said my name. He pulled me from under the bed, picked me up, and plopped me down on the bed.

"Faker, what the hell are you doing here?!" He said staring right at me.

(Shadows PoV)

I don't get what business he has doing in my trailer. Who the hell does he think he is?! He didn't answer my question so I asked him again.

"What are you doing here?!" I said a little louder making his ears pin against his head.

He explained everything to me, about all the different nurses, about the unknown sickness he has, and about the hospital in Miami.

"I knew that if I just asked you, you would say no! That's why I snuck in, but can I please stay? It's already too late to turn please?"

He was right, it was too late to turn around. Turning around now would only cause a delay in the mission and Eggman would have a better chance at his scheme.

"Fine. You better be lucky I have a mission at that damn hospital."

His eyes got wide and he started smiling. "Thank yo-" he got interrupted by his own coughing. I patted his back trying to help him. "God Faker, you look terrible."

He did look terrible. His fur was a blue-ish gray and his quills were a mess. He had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days. He was a lot more shaky than usual. The sweater he had on was the only colorful thing he had on.

"You really need to get to that hospital." I said looking at him. He nodded back at me agreeing.

-------(Three Days Later)--------

(Sonic's PoV)

The next couple of days, Shadow had actually been nice to me. He started taking care of me, he was starring to smile at me, he even let me sleep in his bed while he slept in the driver's seat. It was probably uncomfortable for him, but the bed wasn't so comfortable either.

It is the middle of the night and I can't sleep. I usually sleep well back at home, but this isn't working. I got up and grabbed the backpack Tails had got me. I took out the water and took a few sips. 'Eww it's warm.' I thought. I put the water back and lay back down, but I still didn't feel sleepy. I sat up in the bed and looked around. I thought I saw something black walk by me, but then it was gone.

'Probably just my imagination' I thought. I turned my head only to meet Shadow's glowing ruby eyes.

"Boo." he said.

I jumped back, fell of the bed and landed on my bottom, hard.

"Ow! Shadow seriously?! I thought you were asleep!" I said slowly getting up. "I was asleep until I heard you walking around. Can't sleep can you?" He asked.

"No I can't. I slept better back at home, but thanks to this sickness, I can't get any good sleep." I said sitting back on the bed. He stood in front of me and crossed his arms. He started looking at every inch of me which gave me a chill down my spine.

"What are you looking at?" I said snapping him out of his gaze.

"Just go back to sleep Sonic." He said shaking his head.

"I just told you I can't sleep.." I said. He suddenly pinned me against the bed and got real close to my ear. "Go to sleep before I make you~." He whispered in my ear. He got up off of me and crossed his arms again. "So, can you sleep?" He asked once again.

I lay down and closed my eyes shut. Not moving a muscle. "Good," he said "Because next time, you get no warnings~." I tried not to get chills, but I couldn't help it. I heard him walk back to the front of the trailer where he sleeps.

'Im not going to forget that anytime soon' I thought.


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