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With the firm determination to confront him today, I made it to school earlier than usual. The moment I stepped foot inside the building, the once clear blue sky suddenly turned overcast with strong, humid gusts of wind, swiveling fallen leaves and dust up from the ground into the air. Just when those squalls subsided, a downpour came down in stair rods as if the whole sky was being ripped apart.

It was weird to have rain during this season, but who knew what climate change could do nowadays? I wasn't a meteorologist. I didn't have time to concern myself about this matter. I had my own situation to take care of.

Speaking of my matter, it was quite funny when I asked myself why I had to come to school early. It wasn't like Wei Xiaozhan would be here waiting for me this early, too, would he? If I remembered right, most of the time, he was the one who came into class later than me. I really should stop acting this recklessly. Still, I couldn't help it. Everything about this new boy turned me inside out. It was uncharacteristic of me.

Walking into class, I was surprised to find him already seated at his desk, staring at the door as if he was waiting for me.

Perfect timing.

I was about to close the door, so we could talk without any disturbance when something prevented me from doing so.

"Don't," he said, placing his hand on top of mine, radiating his warmth into my skin.

Wait, how did he get here? He was right there just a few seconds ago.

"I was the middle school champion in the short distance race. It's my specialty to run fast and with light steps," he said with a smile as if he had read the question inside my head just now. "Anyway, if you want to talk with me, I suggest we go to the music room where privacy is more secure than here."

Once again, I was shocked at how he could guess every move I had intended to make. Was he able to read the minds? Was he a supernatural being? Was he a ghost or an illusion that came out of my dream?

I knew the last one didn't sound convincing because no one could see him if he was.

Many questions were filling my brain, yet I had to push them all away because Xiaozhan had already walked out of the classroom. I hurried to trail behind, looking at his back without blinking as if fearing that millisecond that my eyelids shut would make him disappear from my view.

Xiaozhan kept walking without saying a word, leading me to the music room. Opening the door, he walked in and stepped aside before signaling me to follow. As the sound of the door closed and locked echoed from behind, I turned around to find him giving me a charming smile.

"So, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" he asked.

Narrowing my eyes, I contemplated on every inch of his body to search for something amiss. I solemnly swore I wasn't voyeuristic. I was only trying to see if his body happened to be floating, feet not touching the ground or anything.

Nevertheless, no matter how hard I searched, the only conclusion that I could draw out was that he was a hundred percent human.

"Mr. vice-president, are you trying to undress me with your eyes?" Wei Xiaozhan looked at me with a smirk. "Is this cold weather making your body undergoing some hot-blooded youth thing?"

I felt heat rushing up my face at his joke. Although these were nothing but empty words one minute ago, they somehow turned into the truth now. Being in a locked-up room alone with him turned me on somehow. The thought made me gulp as I tried to control my rapid breathing so he wouldn't catch on.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you've never changed. If you want me, why don't you say the word? Why bother to endure your need when you're not a saint anyway?"

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