What Harm Can a Child Do?

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Moving to a new town is often unnerving and scary. What about your friends in the other town? Will they be moving too? Your [Parents or Guardians] explained to you that it was just you and them who are moving. No one else.

You remembered their words again as you pouted. They also wanted you to walk to school. All by yourself like a big kid. Even though you felt excited, you also felt nervous. Whose hand will you hold when you cross the street? Who will point out the pretty flowers that hide themselves in plain sight? You barely knew what a petunia was.

On top of being new to the area, and new to walking, you had developed a Quirk that you couldn't understand or control yet. It was weird. One day you were fine, no strangeness. The next, you had a superpower you could have lived without. (At least for a bit longer.) It was one change after another. And you didn't like it.

"I don't wanna go today! Can't I go tomorrow?" You tried your best to give big puppy eyes. "Please?" It was a no go.

"Kindergarten starts today. Not tomorrow, [Nickname]." Your [Parent or Guardian] said, a little exhausted. "Please be a big kid, [Name]. It'll be just like pretend. I wish I could go with you, or not send you at all, but I have to work." You could tell they were tired. Does work really make you look so sleepy?


They sighed in relief.

"Thank you, [Name]. I love you. Now please be safe out there!" They hugged you tightly. Once you were released you headed out on your own. The nervousness in you subdued a bit as you felt adrenaline give you courage and confidence.

You reached your school shortly. All at once again you wished you weren't there. There were so many new people, children and adults alike. As you stood alone, clutching a small lunchbox, you wondered what to do. Your backpack suddenly felt heavier. Like it was gaining weight with every second you stood still.

An adult with a child walked up to you.

"Are you lost or nervous?" They asked. You shook your head.

I don't talk to strangers. You thought. The adult seemed to notice that you wouldn't talk to them. The child whose hand they were holding looked at you. Their eyes were full of curiosity and joy. Their free hand waved at you as you waved back. Their guardian smiled and brought them closer to you.

"Would the two of you like to talk? It's the first day. I'm sure you both would love to meet one another, as well as new friends." They left shortly after. Their child was now fidgeting with the absence of an adult's protection.

"Hi." They said.

"Hi." You said back.

An awkward silence fell upon you both. Thankfully, the school bell rang. The two of you walked up the steps that led to the building. You pulled out a card from your pocket. You were told to give this to someone so they could tell you where to go. The other child saw your card and pulled out their own.

The was a lady in room that looked important. You saw a sign with an arrow pointing to it. The lady appeared to be writing or typing. This must be the front main office.

You and the other kid walked inside. The gray tiled floor shone brightly as you looked at the white walls that were decorated with various photos. Smiling faces of students and faculty gazed back at you. The women who you saw outside turned around when she heard you.

"May I help you both?" She asked. You walked over to her desk. To slide your card over to her you needed to be on your tip toes.

"Can you read this?" You questioned her.

Child's Play [Various! Villains! BNHA X Child! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now