20 - The Ejiir Mothership

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The impact sent a shudder through everything, including him. The missiles weakened the armor enough so the ship survived it, digging deep into the command structure like a red hot needle.

The sound of metal screaming clawed into his ear, clawed into him, as he was thrown around the cabin like a small pillow.

All the computers went out, sparks raining around him as his back slammed on a chair, then on the floor, then on the driver's seat...

The cockpit glass shattered, and slowly the metal screeched to a halt.

Everything was a blur. His back hurt like hell but he could move so it wasn't broken. His right leg was another story though, definitely something broken in there. His face was all wet and warm and red was running into his vision. Fuck he felt sick.

"Where... what..."

He stumbled out of the cockpit window, getting more cuts on his hands but not noticing. All around him he could hear a sound, like a deep warbling, and could feel the wind blowing.

Daren turned around to see a door closing. "Shit they're sealing me off." It was either in there or into space.

He ducked under the closing blast door, rolling aside at the last minute to hear it clang shut. It had a small circle window, offering him one last glance at his ship. From here he could see the extensive damage; it wouldn't be flying him out of here, that's for sure.

"So long girl." Some part of him sighed, and then he recollected himself.

He was on the command level of the most powerful alien warship ever seen, with only his Iken pistols and Lasersword to aid him. He felt sick, tired, disoriented, and sore. He could walk with a limp, but running was out of the question. There was no back-up, and no way to tell if the virus was able to contaminate the ship before the area was sealed off.

Daren wet his lips, then turned his Lasersword on. "Alright motherfuckers, come and get some."

The warbling sound in the background had stopped. He took a good look at his surroundings.

The build was bizarre; curving and arcing sheets of the dark green metal layered on top of each other in shells, the ground bearing the same veins the other ships did. A faint mist hugged the floor, and green lights dotted along the curving hallway.

How the hell was he going to get out of here?

The door behind him had some writing on it but it wasn't any language he'd ever seen before, so that was useless. Right or Left? Right of course.

He turned down the hallway, the steady thrum of his laser weapon calming him.

After wandering for minutes, he saw a split. On one side he heard voices, those gargling alien voices. Whatever they spoke was beyond him, but he listened anyway.

Daren peeked his head around the corner, turning the Lasersword down for stealth.

Two soldiers, both like the one he'd seen one the desert planet. They were discussing something; one of them reached out of his vision and grabbed something. Food. Meat. A man's arm.

He grimaced at the sight of the beast gnarling on the stump, slurping the muscles off the bone and then grinding it with it's mandibles.

The other one made a deep sound like a cough and pus-colored phlegm flew to the side, also out of his vision.

"One of 'em might know a way off the ship," he thought. He'd have to kill the other, and in his current condition he'd only get one shot.

Daren pulled out his pistol and steadily aimed at the head, the head of the greedy gluttonous monster laughing over it's pus-soaked meal. If he missed and hit the armor it was over; their defense was just too strong.

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