Window's view

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'oh shit' Daisy repeated over and over in her head, as Max tore off his shirt, using his arms to shield himself slightly from the stares. He wasn't huge like a weightlifter, and built instead like an athlete. With neat biceps and stunningly smooth abs running down from his broad shoulders. "Right let's get this over with then." Max said, running a hand through his dark hair, and attempting to cover the taunting line of his boxers with his other hand. The CK boxers covered what Daisy secretly wanted to see, that delicious v line, running down his toned stomach. Keira was practically drooling, as was Daisy, but as soon as she made eye contact with Max, and they held it for a little too long, it made Daisy blush and look away.

"Which one of you girls is volunteering then?" Asked James, but Jake stared straight at Daisy, with a look that said 'do it and I will kill you'. After a nervous silence from both Keira and Daisy, Jake stepped in saying, "since neither of you are going to take advantage of this lovely situation, I will!" He laughed, pouring vodka onto Max's bellybutton, and placing his hands either side of his chest. Jake licked the alcohol, trailing his tongue up to the top of Max's abs as he did so, both of them now laughing uncontrollably.

"What did I just do!" Max shouted, frantically wiping his abs on his tshirt, and Daisy was certainly enjoying the sight of a tanned man rubbing vodka on his chest while facing her. She dead-eyed him, subconsciously licking her lips as she did so. As he sat down again next to her, he whispered lightly enough and quickly enough for no one else to see, "did you enjoy that?" He smirked, and his warm breath on Daisy's ear made her so hot she almost felt too embarrassed to look him in the eye. "Enjoy what? I wasn't watching." Daisy replied, fidgeting with her necklace and attempting to calm herself. He grinned cheekily, and ruffled his hair, drinking another shot after.

Luke left the room and came back shortly after with a speaker blasting full volume, and shouting, "we're fucking going on vacation in 2 days!" Daisy didn't know why he wanted to celebrate that now and not tomorrow, but none the less she got up and joined in shouting and dancing, feeling herself get lost in the buzz of vodka and music.


By the time everyone had finished dancing, they made a group decision to sleep in the game room together, so everyone left to get pillows and pyjamas. Daisy headed to her room, putting on her tight shorts and baggy shirt for the night. As she went to close her blinds, Daisy looked out and saw that Max's light was on, and by the looks of it, it was her turn to catch him just out of the shower. 'Ok I'll turn off the light so he can't see me. That sounds creepy. It's not creepy. Is it? Am I being creepy and watching him?" Daisy asked herself, subconsciously still turning off the light and crouching by her window. 'Oh well looks like I'm here now.' She reasoned with herself.

Max was in only his boxers, with water dripping down his hair, onto his chest, and down his thighs. 'Holy shit he looks hot right now. He looks like some sort of God. Jesus I'd like him to pin me agains.....' Daisy stopped, realising what she was thinking and how just earlier he said he wanted to sleep with someone there, and she'd convinced herself it couldn't be her, as she was just his family friend. 'Come on Daisy, he likes Keira, what's wrong with you.' Daisy stood up, tearing her eyes away from 'Max in his tight boxers; running his hands through his wet hair; I've never wanted to be water more. DAISY. STOP.' She finally came to her senses, hoping that she wasn't the only person who literally argues with themselves in their head. He turned his body away from the window, and Daisy saw a tattoo on his back, but honestly, she was too busy paying attention to Max's shoulders and flexing back muscles to even notice the small patch of ink.

Hey guys, thanks for reading the book, hope everyone's enjoying it, and I would appreciate any feedback you have! x

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