Chapter 4 ∞ DAIRE

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A mile out from the southeast border of the Silver Blood Pack, the air is crisp and laced with the scent of evergreen. It's different from the priestesses' enchanted island with balmy weather and pleasant, meandering wildlife. Here, there is a hint of the familiar, of home, from the fresh glacier water to the tall pines, but mostly this wilderness holds a different kind of purity. It seems raw, untouched, preserved as Satu had intended. I suck it into my lungs and hope it clings to me. The land out east by my coven is laden with change, a constant target of nature's most violent seasonal storms, which helps keep it isolated from the rest of the world. Our coast is continually upturned and battered down with rich soil and mineral deposits and a distinct fishiness in the air. The thought that I might see it again soon is almost too much to comprehend.

My weary companions stand at attention behind me and sniff at the thick trees. We're not alone. We haven't been for miles, and the scents of the wolves hunting us are getting stronger. Closer.

I leave my knife sheathed but within reach as a wolf in human form rounds a mountain bend toward us. The trail he's on is flanked on each side by steep boulders, and I'm sure I sense guards stationed on top of them looking down.

His short brown hair is neatly styled and parted with care, though his calculating brown eyes and fighter's stance tell me he's ready if things get messy. He's shirtless, imposing, ready to shift if necessary, and I maintain a respectful distance and posture.

"Afternoon, vampyre. I'm Delta Banks, lead guard of the Silver Blood Pack."

"Delta," I greet with an approachable nod, yet I position myself as a barrier to the wolves behind me.

The delta's eyes narrow when I refuse to offer my name in return, but any questions he has about it quickly die on his lips as the omega leaves my side for the first time in days and paws forward to stand boldly between us.

His eyes go wide and his voice throaty, preparing for tonight's full moon shift. "Is there something we can help you with?"

"These are the discarded members of the Jewel River Pack."

I can practically see the questions flipping through his mind: Why are they with a vampyre? Why have I brought them here? Who am I?

The omega stirs, nose pointed toward the path leading further into their lands.

I ignore the adrenaline snaking through me as I show the priestesses' marking on my wrist and explain what I know. "As you've probably heard by now, Alpha Kells was murdered several nights ago and these wolves were banished by the new alpha, Ellan. I was sent by the priestesses to find them and lead them to you in the hopes that Alpha Zane could take them in."

"The priestesses?" The delta's wary, shallow breaths steady as his expression transforms into something more akin to awe.

"I should warn you that Alpha Ellan, and presumably King Frederick, are looking for the omega. I don't know if they'll try and track her this far, but it wouldn't surprise me."

The delta nods, a new scent of protectiveness projecting over us. "We'll alert the rest of our delta force right away; they're our best guards. And once the ice melts from the northern passes, we'll have more of them patrolling the borders. We're fairly isolated up here, so if someone tracks this way, we'll know about it."

"I believe it. I had the pleasure of experiencing your taus' stealthy prowess on my way in."

The delta grins at my response, and movement from the trail behind him catches my eye, the bright sun highlighting the face of their young alpha. That face, with its dangerous allure and intense gray gaze. My pulse quickens, appreciating the dark blond hair curling up along the back of his neck, complementing the rich, honey tone of his skin.

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