Sawney Bean

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This one is true it's not a legend and has been part of Scottish history for so long.

This is the gruesome tale of Alexander sawney bean. But first this is very triggering so skip past this if you don't wanna read.

Sawney Bean was said to be the head of a Scottish clan of cannibals in medieval times. The group was made up of his wife their 14 children and 32 grandchildren. Some of them born through incest. They lived in a cave by the water and would ambush people on the road at night. They would bring their bodies back to the cave to dismember and eat them. Any leftovers were pickled in a jar for later. When king James the VI of Scotland eventually heard of the murders, he led a manhunt to capture them. The clan was caught then executed. Some say you can still find the cave along the Bennane head area of Scotland.

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