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Jennifer had barely anytime to settle into her new room before Raven informed her that Charles wanted her downstairs (not like she had anything to put away considering all of her clothes were still sitting under debris in Virginia).

When she reached the room she was instructed to go to, Jennifer walked in to see an x-ray machine. She wasn't sure what it was that surprised more her - the fact that Charles had an x-ray machine in his house, or how futuristic it looked. It wasn't bulky like the ones Jennifer had seen on the television. There was a metal bed with a vertical disc slotted through it that appeared to be able to slide up and down the bed.

Charles and Hank sat to the side of the machine talking to each other until they heard the door shut behind a very shocked Jennifer. Both men stood, Hank heading towards the controls and Charles walking to Jennifer who met him halfway.

"Alright, we're going to get some x-rays of your wings so we know what we're dealing with." Charles was straight to the point, not bothering to add any pleasantries.

Seeing no other option Jennifer nodded in agreement, following Charles over to the machine. He explained to her that they wanted x-rays of her wings both inside her back and out. Once Jennifer was on the cold bed Hank turned the machine on. When neither of the men moved out of the room as the machine started to hum and move, Jennifer turned her head slightly to see them just standing there.

"Shouldn't you be out of the room whilst this thing is on?" Jennifer, who loved physics, knew that it had recently been found that x-rays could be dangerous. It probably wouldn't hurt them in any way that would matter since it was just one x-ray, but Jennifer didn't want anyone to be harmed because of her.

It was Hank that answered her. "No. In fact us being in here only makes us stronger. After all, it was radiation that allowed mutants to exist in the first place."

Jennifer remembered learning about that in her biology class last year, though the topic was covered rather quickly, people being afraid that if they said 'mutants' one would pop up - not aware that there was one already one sitting among them.

As the x-rays were taken, with her wings opened up as well as hidden in her back, Jennifer wondered if she would ever be accepted for who she was. The idea of it seemed impossible, especially now that another group of mutants was going to start world war three. She was afraid that her own mother would kick her out of the house if she knew what her daughter was. (Something in the back of her head assured Jennifer that her mother wouldn't do such a thing, but fear had the ability to turn love into hate, ambition into greed, mercy into murder.

Whilst Hank was looking at the x-rays Jennifer went outside for some fresh air. Erik was out there too, sitting on a bench tying his shoelaces. A smirk grew on Jennifer's face. "Wanna race?"

Erik whipped his head around, not having heard Jennifer approach him, and saw Jennifer chuckling at him. "Race?" Jennifer nodded eagerly. "I'm fifteen years older than you."

"Oh, come on! Or are you scared a sixteen-year-old girl is going to beat you?"

At that Erik rose to his feet earning a content grin from Jennifer. "Fine. Once around the building, no shortcuts."


The two made their way to the red line that had been placed on the ground for Hank's laps earlier on. Jennifer decided that she would do the countdown. "On your marks, get se-"

Erik took off, getting a few seconds head start on Jennifer who raced off after him once her brain recognised the cheat. She sprinted to catch up, then slowed slightly to conserve her energy when she was a few meters behind him. It stayed that way as they rounded the first and second corner. As the third corner approached, Jennifer started to pull ahead, catching a look of disbelief on Erik's face as she passed him. When the last turn neared, both Erik and Jennifer were determined to win the race - whether for dignity or pride it was unclear. They were at neck and neck, then Jennifer made a mistake. As she turned around the corner her foot slid on some of the stones, causing her to fall into a lunge type position. Erik continued to run past her, slowing only to turn, to chuckle at her. That was his mistake. Jennifer had already recovered from her stumble and ran with all of her might, throwing her tactic of pacing straight out of the window as a final attempt to win. Erik was about forty meters from the finish line, Jennifer fifteen behind him.

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