FILE 11: Academy Counselor

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Finally have some time to publish this! Didn't edit this too much so expect some mistakes here and there :P

One Year Ago

Damian was being sent to the counselor's office. A week into school and he already was causing problems.

It wasn't his fault, it was some brats calling him a 'daddy's boy' that got him riled up. In his opinion, the kid should have lost more than a tooth.

Damian took his familiar stroll to the counselor's office, appearing before the usual door. When he opened it, he expected to usual uncaring Ms. Brown that he had gotten used to. That wasn't the case, however. There, sat at the desk, was an unfamiliar black-haired man. He looked in his early 20's and wore a normal polo with a tie.

Damian calmly took a seat before the desk, unbothered by the change. Ms. Brown was a terrible counselor, after all, she turned the blind eye every second she was handed a wad of cash. She always tried to get on the good side of Damian with millions of 'second chances'.

"Evening Damian, I'm sure you have plenty to do so let's get this out of the way,"  the new counselor said with a smile.

Damian looked the man up and down with a gaze of suspicion. Black hair and blue eyes... make the man ten years younger and get rid of his parents and then he's a Wayne. Even so, the counselor seemed normal enough, happy even. That only meant he was new to the city.

The counselor continued, "My name's Daniel Fenton, newest counselor of Gotham Academy. It seems you've attacked your classmate, care to explain Damian?"

Damian kept silent for a small then deciding to talk. " Tt, he was an annoyance." It was true.

He assessed the room around him, which was odd-looking. There were photographs on the wall of people in HAZMAT suits, books on the shelves about the supernatural, and desk toys in front of him. It was clear that the man was born in a weird environment, but this was for weird environments in Gotham. The city practically attracted the odd and disorientated.

Fenton kept a smile on, "Well then, the appropriate punishment needs to take place. A call home, week suspension, and anger management classes for  about... the next two months." Damian tensed as Fenton listed the punishments.

Most counselors took it easy on him, seeing how his father is the richest man in Gotham. That being said, the punishment would make a drastic impact on his life. His father would surely ban him from parol for causing trouble, and possibly even the Bat Cave for being suspended. Most of all, he'd have to attend a useless class when he could be training.

Damian calmed himself, he knew that Fenton was new, maybe never heard of Wayne.

He cleared his throat, "You know of my father, right Fenton? Bruce Wayne, Gotham's White Knight?" Damian wouldn't actually do anything regarding his father's name, but it was a good threat.

What Fenton had done surprised Damian. He let out a loud, hearty laugh. "Damian Wayne, are you threatening me?"

Damian was, frankly, taken back from Fenton's actions. The man didn't seem as ignorant as before. He resembled a man with plenty of confidence. However, Damian couldn't let the man take away his daily duties. He did not want to back

Damian leaned in with his arms on Fenton's desk. "What if I am? You know my father funds plenty of things in this school. It would be a shame if they were... cut. Do you understand, Fenton?"

Fenton didn't seem the least bit bothered about the threat. In fact, his smile grew wider. He leaned into the desk too and said, "I understand completely that your bluffing." And then he brought a finger to Damian's forehead and poked it away.

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